Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday Tea....

Yesterday was spent having lunch, tea, and shopping with dear friends at the American Girl Doll Store. Cortney and I are blessed to have such good friends! Cort told me over and over that she wanted a new dolly. She insisted on buying another one without hair......but ended up with no new dolly. She decided against it and instead bought "Gloria" (her bitty baby) a new outfit. I also bought her a chapter book about Kit. She definitely has ideas and thoughts of her own and it was kind of funny...and sweet to see her be so assertive! So in honor of our "Tea Party," I have a tea set card to share with you today!
I used my Cricut and the Heritage cartridge.  I inked the edges in brown ink, spread glossy accents, and then sprinkled coarse glitter over it.  I added a bit of tulle, lace, and a few leaves and berries from Prima.
The tag was done on my computer and hand cut.  I gave this card to my sweet friend Sue for her birthday because she collects tea pots. : )
Honestly, if you are simply tired of seeing pictures of my can click right on outta here! ; ) I would totally understand!  If are a few shots from our day yesterday at American Girl.
This picture was taken right before we left the house.
Cort and I at the restaurant.....
Cort and Patty her BFF! 
Here is Cortney with "Gloria" 
And here is a picture of all the girls together!  It was such a fun and memorable day!
Thank you for letting me share this side of my life with you.  I appreciate your sweet visits and kind comments......


  1. Looks like a very memorable day! And what a beautiful card you made--well done!

  2. What beautiful DOLLS they are!!! Please---don't apologize for sharing your precious children! I look forward to that! The card is pretty, too, by the way! Blessings, Sharon

  3. I was hoping you would share your day at Am. Girl! SO excited to see Cort's face - looks like she had a wonderful time :)

    I'm sure your friend will be thrilled to receive that VERY lovely card!

    Have a great Monday, my friend! xo

  4. What a precious day you had! Love the looks on all the girls faces!!! And your card is lovely as always! The colors are beautiful!!!

  5. Your card is fabulous and your photos from the day are so cute!

  6. Gorgeous card!! I've been to one AG event with my oldest and it was just grand. So glad you got to go and have such a fun day with Courtney! Looking forward to more pictures!

  7. Looks like it was a wonderful day, I love the first picture of Cort, she just looks beautiful! I love the card, it is perfect.

  8. It just looks like fun with the girls and their dolls. Cort must love that Bitty Baby. I have bought all 4 of my granddaughters dolls.......such a Grammy thing. I am usually very conservative but American Girls aren't hah. Glad you have so much fun. Cort as usual is so beautiful.

  9. A beautiful card Michelle. Love the tea pot.
    The pictures look like you all had a blast on your day out. I have always wanted to go to that store. We have one at the Mall of America here, but no one wants to go with me. :(

  10. What an exciting time at the American Girl Doll store, I bet! I'm a grandmother and I absolutely loved it, especially the restaurant experience. A time I'll never forget, for sure. Love the card, too.

  11. Beautiful card and the girls are beautiful too. What a fun day for you and Cort. I like the bald doll too. Reminds me of all my kids when they were little. They were all bald! Regina

  12. Another beauty! Gosh, I am really not just saying it but you really are my favorite and most inspiring card maker! I love everything you do, Michele!! And I think it's absolutely LOVELY that you share photos of your family - it's a big part of who you are, and we enjoy seeing the beautiful people who inspire you and bring you joy every day!

  13. Absolutely precious...your daughter looks just like you...sweet! Thank you for sharing you family all look like you had fun. Blessings Noel

  14. Cort is getting to look more like you, all the time. I spent a small fortune at American Girl, on my recent trip to New York...I have 7 grandaughters, so you can imagine..haa! We don't have them in the UK, which is just as well, heehee, but we girlies love our dollies, whether we are Cort's age, or nearly 30, like me..haahaa!

  15. Just Beautiful! The card is wonderful too! It's all amazing!!!

  16. Beautiful card, love the tea pot details. Love your sharing too, family is important ! Oh it sounded like fun ... those dolls are beautiful. My mother always wanted one when she was a little girl so we ( my siblings and I) bought her Addie for her 65th Birthday ( my mom's first name was Addie)!

  17. Once again you have captured such a beautiful picture of Courtney. The first photo is stunning. It looks like they all had a great day. It is so refreshing to have someone let their blog friends see a glimpse into their private life. She is so lucky to have you in her life. You obviously make her life special. Thank you for sharing.

  18. Michele, Thank you for this beautiful post! What a wonderful day for everyone!
    Please go to my blog, I have something for you...


  19. I absolutely love all of the pictures. What a wonderful picture of you and Cort in the restaurant. I have always loved American Girl dolls---have several myself. I make outfits for the bitty babies and display them on holidays.

  20. Beautiful card! Loved seeing the pics from AG! I took my granddaughter, Bella, to the AG store in NYC last year. It was the best day ever! We had brunch at the Cafe that's right there in the store and went on a wild shopping spree afterwards. I highly recommend a day at AG for girls of every age!

  21. Never apologize for the pictures of your family, always looking forward to seeing them. Family is the greatest gift we have, Glad you had a good time.

  22. Love the card and it looks like a very nice time was had by all.

  23. Beautiful card! Looks like your tea party at AC was a lot of fun! So glad that your daughter and Gloria had a good time!

  24. What beautiful moments you captured. I love love love American Girl Place. I feel so feminine and pink when I go there! We go to the one at The Grove in LA. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing the moment.

  25. Wow, wow, your card is just gorgeous! and so are your photos! I love the photo of you and your beautiful daughter! She looks so happy.

  26. Your card is PERFECT!!!! LOVE it!! Looks like you all had a blast at American Girl! I LOVE it there...maybe even more than my little one does! LOL!!

  27. Wonderful for you to share... I love your card, but I truly enjoy when I visit and you in addition share your beautiful family. So great that you and Cort had such a wonderful time, love the picture of the two of you!
    ...You just made me reminisce about my daughter growing up with Strawberry Shortcake and Cabbage Patch kids (I remember people spending the night for the store to open and purchase such ugglyly cute dolls!! lol (I know, I made up that word!)

  28. Oh my gosh, Cort looks so happy :) The picture made me smile. Beautiful card, too. I see you used that glitter again. Thanks for letting me know the brand! I really enjoy seeing what you make.

  29. Just want to say a couple of things to you. First, your daughter is so beautiful and she is very fortunate to have you as her Mom because I can tell by all the wonderful pictures you take, she is loved and brillantly raised. Second,your talent is amazing and I appreciate all the time you take in sharing your projects with us all! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I don't always have the time to write you a note, but yours is the only Blog I check everyday!

  30. Your card is fabulous and your photos from the day are so cute!


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