Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Crafty Secrets

I have a love of all things vintage and shabby. I think that is why I adore Crafty Secret's images so much. They are such beautiful stamps to work with and lend themselves to my shabby, glittery style. ; ) This image is part of the Love You Mother  set and was colored with Copic markers.  I added some crystal effects to the eggs and the bird.  While the bird was wet, I sprinkled a bit of coarse glitter by Martha Stewart.
I love these little plastic eggs you can buy in packages at Michaels. They are perfect for adding to a stick pin! Of course I gave it a dose of glitter before doing so!

Here is the set I used......... lovely right?

It is a busy week here.....Kyle has a doc appt after school today and Cort failed her hearing test at school, so she has a Sertoma appt. on Wednesday.  Never a dull moment here! ; )
Have a great day!!!


  1. What a memorable card. I love what you have made. Also I have never heard of this brand of stamp before. Might not be available in Australia. Have they been around long?

  2. Just delightfully and thoroughly beautiful. The egg on the pin? How wonderful - the glitter, the Copics, and all of the elements that make a Michele card are evident.

    And best wishes for a productive day with minimal stress.

  3. What a beautiful card Michele.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  4. Beautiful... love the softness. I need that stamp set ... LOL !

  5. Well, the stamp set is beautiful, but what you've done with it is just STUNNING! I love it!

  6. Absolutely beautiful, love it and all its details!


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