Monday, April 23, 2012

My Two Winners Are.........

TeacherMom said...
I am already a follower (love seeing what you are up to). I am on my Mom's iPad catching up with the forum. Hearing that lots of people are in their pj's is making me think of getting mine!
April 22, 2012 5:39 PM


Sarah said...
I'm already your blog follower and right now I'm in my sweats, checking all the blog updates and looking for some challenges to enter so I can go down to my craft room for a while! I had a super busy week and hoping to "refuel" with some crafting!
April 22, 2012 11:54 AM
Please e-mail me with your addresses so I can get your cartridges out to you!
I loved hearing what each of you were doing at the moment you left me a comment! I am so glad I am not the only one to stay in my PJ's and have wild and crazy hair! LOL! Thank you all for playing along! I will have another giveaway soon, so be sure to check back!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it!