Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's Your Day Doll

It's been awhile since I've shared a Crafty Secret's card with you! I have a card today that uses the adorable All Dolled Up set. You might remember THIS card that I created using the same set.  Same set, but totally different looks!  This time I opted for softer, more feminine colors.  I colored this sweet girl with my Copics and added a bit of glitter to her wings. 
I had to add a little flower cut from my Cricut as a little accent.  I also added a bit of seam binding and tulle.

I added a couple of stick pins......and added my sentiment.....
There are only a few weeks of school left, which means lots of year end things to wrap up.  My son will be starting finals soon and his freshman year will be over.  Where does the time go?  I can't believe he will a "sophomore" soon.  It sometimes scares me with how fast everything seems to go.  I wish I could slow it down.  I can't. So, I just try, try, try, to embrace the journey as much as I can. Soak it all in. 
Enjoy your day.....your journey! : )


  1. Absolutely adorable card! Love all the special embellishments!

  2. What a beautiful card! The other one's lovely too - love that little doll!

  3. Absolutely precious! I love the sentiment. So fun!

  4. So beautiful card Michele,I love the image and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  5. What a cute card. You always make such a cute image even cuter. Love it. Regina

  6. Absolutely gorgeous the vintage-looking lace.

  7. I love this little doll image. What a pretty and nostalgic card. I love your work.

  8. I have not blogged much lately, feels good to be back What an adorable card!! so pretty.

  9. Such a cute card - love the colors - what markers would you suggest using to color in the stamps if you dont have copics - they are on my wish list but just too expensive for many


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