Tuesday, December 11, 2012

More Holiday Cheer!

Good morning to you all!  I am sure you are all crazy busy and starting to feel the holiday crunch?  Or maybe that's just me? ; )  I am trying to get organized and prioritize.......and try to take a deep breath to take it all in.  I don't want to miss the feeling of the season, I don't want it passing me by.  So in my crafty room, I have been making ornaments.  I guess you could say I have been on an ornament "kick!" 
I used this metal frame from Fancy Pants and used papers from Crafty Secret's Christmas CD.  The cardinal and candy canes are from the Christmas Express Stamp set. They were colored with Copic markers and a bit of glitter was added for some extra sparkle.  
The poinsettias were cut using my Silhouette. 
And the jingle bells were rusted naturally by yours truly. : )
I plopped several bags of jingle bells in an old baking sheet with salt, vinegar, a few rusty nails, and let nature do its work.  I've heard you can add steel wool in there to help speed up the process.  Once my bells were rusty enough, I sealed them with a clear, matte spray.  (Otherwise the rust will flake off everywhere!)  The process did take a couple of months, but I am nothing but a patient person! ; )
Here is my family all dressed up (Insert sarcasm) to bake cookies. Yep, this was a couple of hours of us taking a deep breath and enjoying the holiday as a family.  
I love that my guys are comfortable enough to bake......and use a pink mix master! ; )

Cort was sugaring the peanut butter balls....... 
Kyle made sure Cort wasn't wearing most of the sugar....... 
Why yes, it is a necessity to wear headphones while I bake with the family!  
And here were our little peanut butter masterpieces! (Along with the eggnog cookies from yesterday's post)
As I write this there are literally 5 cookies left.  I guess we won't be passing them out to anyone.  
I am off to work!
I have my 5th graders' music concert tonight.  It's cute to see them all dressed up and excited to sing in front of their parents. 
*Just breathing it all in* 
; )


  1. How sweet that the whole family got together to make the cookies. Oh, I remember all the trouble of baking and then poof they were all gone. But at least you have some cute pictures. Beautiful family.

  2. Gorgeous ornament...love the rusted bells! Lee-Ann :)

  3. Oh my goodness...a couple of months? You are amazing! LOVE the pictures of the family baking! Thanks for sharing!

  4. So beautiful Michele.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  5. Enjoyed the pictures. Looks like a lot of fun in your kitchen. Handsome and helpful son. Good job!

  6. Thanks for sharing these photos. Please tell Cortney that I think she looks beautiful in pink. Then again, I think she always looks beautiful because, after all, that smile says it all!
    You're such a blessing!

  7. Wait a couple of months! IF I were to do that, I wouldn't remember where they were. And...when I did find them I wouldn't remember what I rusted them for. haha Glad you remembered. Your ornament is beautiful. What patience you have.

  8. OMG! How beautiful! Stunning ornament and the detail you put into your projects is just amazing. Lovely work as always.

  9. Love your rusty bells ... wish I had your patience. I got a chuckle out of the photo of your son with the headphones on.. true teenager! Merry Christmas to your beautiful family :)


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