Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wedding Table Place Cards

I am so glad that it is already Wednesday!  I am one day closer to Saturday.....the BIG day!  I can barely mind is preoccupied.  :)  But I am busy, busy, busy, which helps the days speed by! 

I have a card to share with you that was published in the Northridge's November Cricut Magazine. It was for their wedding ideas section and I had decided to use Cricut's Giant Flowers Cartridge to create table place cards.  

When using this cartridge you have to allow for the rather large base, so I cut a hole in the second layer of cardstock and popped it off the base layer.  This gave the flower somewhere to sit. 
I find using cardstock in various shades of the same color works well to give the flowers depth.  
The names and table numbers were printed off the computer.
I did ink each petal with orange to define the edges a bit more and again, give it more depth. 

 Cort has her cheerleading practice tonight with the high school girls from the local Catholic high school. It is so much fun to see those girls interact with our girls. I absolutely adore the half time show they put together!  It is so cute!

And believe it or not, I do have another child, but he hates when I post anything about him.....imagine that!  He is a boy. He is 15 going on 16. He is a teenage boy. Explanation enough?

  He is going to an overnight ski trip with his school in a couple of weeks. He attended last year and had a blast!
Have a great day my friends!


  1. gorgeous! wowza...lovin' those place cards!

    HA...I have a 15 year old boy too...I think both of my kids cringe to think that I would actually blog about them:)

  2. OMG Michele, these are lovely!


  3. Gorgeous place cards!! Just love them...could you imagine making 300...yikes! I think I'd have to get a few friends in to help. I have an 18 year old boy, and yeah...enough said. Lee-Ann :)

  4. Oooh, love the vibrant color of your beautiful flower! My son would detest being a part of my blog, too, so I put all my focus on the dogs. They love it!


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