Monday, February 4, 2013

Crafty Secrets DT Post, Linky Party, and Birthday Celebration!

Good morning to you my crafty friends!  Today is a special day! It is Crafty Secret's Monthly DT Challenge and Linky Party.  It is also my baby's 16th birthday!  : )
First, let me share with you the project I created using a SU! die and gorgeous vintage papers from Crafty Secret's Digital CD. The envelope image is a digital stamp from the Heart to Heart set.  

I colored the image with my Copics and did a bit of fussy cutting.  
I added a bit of paper trim by Melissa Frances, and flowers that were created with dies.  It is a perfect little treat box to fill for that special someone.  
Be sure to visit the other designers' blogs! They are so stinking creative!

It is hard to believe that my baby turns 16 today.  I can still remember every moment with him. He is full of personality and has such a caring heart.  He has had his share of struggles, but I think in the long run, it will make him a better, more sensitive person.  He was such a cutie as a little guy, and has turned into a handsome young man. I am blessed to have been given this life to care for. He has taught me much, and I am so glad to be his mama. 
Happy birthday Kyle!!!
Love you.


  1. This is so gorgeous!!! Wow! Happy Birthday to Kyle!

  2. Gorgeous...time goes so fast with kids!! Lee-Ann :)

  3. LOVE this project, Michele!! SO beautiful :)

    Wanted to wish Kyle a SUPER 16 happy birthday wish <3 My "little" guy turned 16 last month...time just flies too fast...

    Hope you have a great week xo

  4. Happy Birthday to Kyle!!! Love your sweet treat container!
    Enjoy Your Day : )

  5. Awesome treat box Michele ... your work is always so beautiful!
    WOW! Kyle is 16! (and so handsome!) Yes, time can get away from us ... enjoy EVERY MOMENT!!! My GRANDdaughter will be 21 the end of March! Oh dear ... where does the time go? ENJOY and Happy B-day to Kyle!!

  6. Happy birthday to Kyle! My baby turned 16 last Friday...can't believe it. Beautiful creation.

  7. Hi ! Oh my goodness ... been so busy, I had to play catch up! Happy 16th Birthday to Kyle!
    Love your treat box!

  8. Beautiful project, Michele. Happy birthday, Kyle.

  9. Wow Michele, I can't believe that Kyle has turned 16! It shows you how long you have been creating beautiful samples for us because I can remember when he was just a young boy and now he's becoming a handsome dude. You should be rightly proud as he sounds like a caring, thoughtful,smart guy. Good job momma!

  10. This is gorgeous Michele! Such beautiful work!

    Happy Birthday to your sweet son! He's so handsome! I'm sure you're a proud mommy!


  11. Cute treat box with adorable details.


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