Thursday, February 21, 2013

Funky Love.....

You know I am usually the vintage girl.  Glitter. Lace. Pinks and blues.  Anything girly, anything shabby. But I had a "moment."  A creative moment.  I played with watercolor paper and alcohol inks.  I'm not really sure why. I just started squirting various colors and after it was dry, I was left with this really cool background.  Perfect. I used Faber Castell gelatos to add color to the chipboard.  I gave it a shiny coat with glossy accents for a cool modern feel. 
I was pretty excited about my little artistic "experiment."  So I decided it would be perfect for my husband on Valentine's Day.  
Apparently I was wrong.
He opened it. Looked at it funny. And then replied, "This isn't your best work." (Don't worry, he wasn't punched because he winked when he said it. )
What do they know anyway!? ;)  
I purchased a new lens for my camera and have been playing around a bit.  I have always been a gal who used automatic settings, figuring the camera was smarter than me. ;)  But I've been teaching myself about ISO, F-stops, and shutter speed.  And the beauty of digital is you can take as many pictures as you want and delete most of them!  When I take pictures of Cortney, I take many. Usually her eyes are closed, or you can see her tonsils (not a pretty sight!), or her head is down. But this shot captured her perfectly.  
The blue eyes.
The rosy cheeks. 
Her beautiful skin.
And my Skippers .(Who desperately needs a grooming!)  But I love his teddy bear looks right now.  He reminds me of the Snuggle Bear. :)
And Myla, who turns one in just a week.  What a character she is! 
And in bad news, today is Cortney's dentist appt.  I have my supplies ready.  Stuff to keep her comfortable and happy.  My stress level is through the roof this morning.  I hope the dentist is able to fill that tooth and battle through her tears.  (As well as her mama.)
Wish us luck.
Have a great day my crafty friends!


  1. Wow, what an amazing card, even if DH wasn't quite sure. lol!! Love what your learning with your camera!! I really need to learn more, especially before grandchildren start coming!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  2. Love the bright fun colours of your card!!! Lee-Ann :)

  3. Thoughts and prayers are with you, Michele. And with Cort, the staff, etc. I can't handle the dentist without my "happy pills" so I can empathize a little with what you are up against.

  4. Loved your post...I need the sign language stamp/diecut...where might I get one? Your daughter is beautiful and I have a dog (maltipoo) that looks just like yours. Your photography is wonderful!!!

  5. I love the card! Yes, it is different for you, but creative play is good for the soul!!!
    I hope all goes well at the dentist!!!

  6. Love the photos with the new lens. And I know the card isn't your usual style but I really like it. The little hand and LOVE look like they could be an enamel pin.

  7. Love your card with the background inks, etc. I especially love the ASL "I Love You" hand. My parents are deaf so any opportunity to use that hand sign is great. If you read this comment, I'd love to find out where you got it. My email is:

    Love your work! it is very inspiring and your family is so cute!

  8. Love the new style card. Men don't always get it when we try new things. Great colors. Love the pics and hope Courtney does well at the dentist.

  9. What a gorgeous photo of Cortney! Did you get a 50mm lens by any chance? Whatever you bought, you are taking beautiful shots with it.

  10. Michele, I love this bright & playful! Def not your style...good for you on going out of your "comfort zone"!! LOL
    This pic of Cortney is SOOO beautiful...the colorful hat, and those beautiful BLUE blue eyes <3 and her cheeks look so soft & pretty...xo


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