Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Easter!

Good morning my crafty friends! Today is the first day of my spring break! I am so happy to have this week to spend with my kids and take a little break from my regular routine. I have been puttering around the house the last couple of days.  Organizing, cleaning, and catching up on a bit (a lot) of laundry!  I found a bit of time in my craft room to create a little Easter egg carton card.  It is an adorable cut I found at the Silhouette Store.
I wrapped it with a bit of ribbon that can easily slip off to reveal the eggs hidden underneath.  The flowers were made using The Bitty Blossoms Spellbinder's die.  
I love the rolled addicted to them lately.
Just slip the ribbon off and there is a little surprise underneath. :)

The flowers, leaves, and sentiment were glued directly to the ribbon. 
We spent Palm Sunday with my In-laws and I forced my husband to take a picture with me.  He complained that he hadn't shaved, and he looked a bit scruffy.  I'm perfectly okay with scruffy. ;)
So he obliged and let my son snap a few pictures.  
Nothing prettier than someone else's pool and house in the background is there? ;)  Would have liked this picture a whole lot better against some greenery.....but I am still liking the photo...even with its imperfections. 
I am off to have a little lunch with my mom and Cortney today.  And then, Cortney and I are going for pedicures.  It will be her first time ever having her toes done!  I hope she enjoys the experience as much as I do! 
Have a great day my friends!


  1. That s a fun cut, very clever and pretty!

  2. This is so beautiful.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  3. Oh, I'm so glad you posted this, I wanted to tackle this card today but when I saw it on my mat I just couldn't visualize it!! Yours turned out darling, I love the glitter and pretty bow!!

  4. This is adorable. Love all your little personal touches. Great pics too.

  5. Perfect card - love all of those added details! And great photos - hope you are having a wonderful Spring break and both you and Cortney enjoyed your pedicures!

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