Tuesday, April 2, 2013

JustRite's New April Release!

Good morning friends!  Guess what today is?  It is JustRite's Day Two of April's Release AND the day after I arrived home from Mexico!  Yep, the family and I took a week long jaunt to Riviera Maya.  I never like to announce those things ahead of time, so I had my blog posts predone.  Now I am doing a lot of catching up! ;) 
But first, let's take a look at a brand new set called, True Friends.  I love this stamp because it is a larger image and takes center stage.  I used Tim Holtz Distress Markers and did the same card in two different color schemes. The first card was done with oranges and blues.  The image coordinates perfectly with Spellbinder's Label's Four die.
I added a few rhinestones and a pretty clear button for the center. The background was given subtle texture with an embossing plate from Papertrey Ink.  
Here is my second card done with reds and blues.  I used a red clear button and dark pink rhinestones.
Here is the set in its entirety.  It is such a pretty set. 
For more inspiration be sure to visit these talented gals' blogs!

I will post some of my vacation photos when I get caught up on the mountains of laundry! Today is my "get caught up" day! ;)  Glad to be back.......


  1. Gorgeous card...love the colors. We've been to the Mayan Riviera...gorgeous place, isn't it!

  2. Pretty card, Michelle. Hope you had a wonderful time.


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