Thursday, November 21, 2013

Loving Color....

I love color.
It shows in my paint choices in my house.  I have a cranberry red kitchen, navy blue/white bathroom, golden yellow living room, hot pink craft room, lime green accents in my basement. 
I'm not afraid of color.
It is cozy and warm and makes me happy. 
Maybe it's due to the many apartments I've lived in growing up, with those plain white walls. 
I've embraced color in my card today!
I used a Crafty Secret's set called, Home Sweet Home. I colored it with Copic markers.  I matted the image twice. Once with a plain Spellbinder's circle die, and again with their new Vintage Label's Six die.  I gave it a bit of color by airbrushing it with a yellow Copic marker. The striped paper is by My Mind's Eye.  I matted it with a turquoise blue for a bit of pop. I tied string vertically instead of ribbon because I didn't want to overpower the image. I added a couple of orange posies to the center of the bow. 
I added a bit of glossy accents to the sun and flowers. I love glossy accents! It adds just the right amount of dimension. :) 
I am off today to take Cortney to the dentist.  She cracked a molar and I am praying that the dentist can fix it.  If he can't, then we have to go to an oral surgeon.  This will not be an easy task.  So I am a bit stressed.  Wish us luck that we get good news!
Tomorrow is the last day for my giveaway, so be sure to click HERE to enter! :)
Have a wonderful Thursday my friends!


  1. Love it Michele! great coloring...SK :)

  2. Love the happy colors. Best of Luck at the Dentist ;)

  3. Such a nice home you have colored ! Good luck for this molar...

  4. Just beautiful colours. Totally eyecatching, the whole card. Good luck at the dentist.

  5. Hi Michele, I adore the fabulous cheerful colors you used to color your house stamp from this set! We still have 10 of these sets left before they will become a Digital stamp download - but all the images will be bigger, re-sizeable, only $9.95 and no S&H. Hope the dentist visit was a breeze!



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