Friday, December 27, 2013


Good morning friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! It seems that as fast as it came this year, it also was over in the blink of an eye. Yesterday I spent the day cleaning and organizing.  I haven't gotten in my craft room in quite a bit of time.  I have bee enjoying the time I have spending it with family.  Sometimes the crafting just has to take a back seat. 
Since I haven't made anything new that I can show you, I thought I'd pull out a layout I did for last year's issue of Cricut magazine.  It uses the Winter Woodland and Winter Lace cartridges.
I used a Tattered Angels stencil to create the swirls in the background.  I then sprayed it with a spray adhesive and quickly sprinkled it with silver glitter. 
The snowflakes were done with Winter Lace. I stacked them and added a white pom pom to the center of each. 
The bird and title were cut using the Winter Woodland cartridge
Lots of glitter.......

Here is a quick recap of my Christmas......
Family, presents, good food, laughs....... :)
As always, thank you for taking the time to pay me a visit.
I appreciate it so very much!


  1. That is a gorgeous layout! Wow! Beautiful family photos too-

  2. That is such a pretty layout!! You have a lovely family. Many blessings to you and your family for a healthy and happy new year!

  3. Such a beautiful piece! I love the use of the glitter and the sweet pom poms on each delicate flake. It's all about the details, isn't it? Happy New Year!

  4. Gorgeous! Happy new year to you and your family!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it!