Tuesday, May 6, 2014


The last 2 days have been such a whirlwind!  I don't want to ramble, so forgive me if I do.  I mentioned last week that some exciting things were on the horizon for Cortney? The first thing was her getting an opportunity to model for a boutique called, Princess Tutu's.  They are selling tutus for wheelchair bound kids.  They are so cute without all of the extra material! Cortney's pictures can be found HERE on her Facebook page and HERE at her Etsy shop.  

And then an even more amazing thing happened....Cerebral Palsy Family Network shared this collage of pictures on their Facebook page.

Cortney has had over 60,000 shares!  I have been answering private messages and e-mails for the past 2 days! So many wonderful people have offered Cort opportunities to model for them.  A modeling agency has offered a free year to sign up with them.  My head is spinning. My thoughts are flying every which way!  I am truly touched by people's generosity and kind spirits.  I never in a million years thought a couple of images of my daughter could have such a positive affect on people.
My emotions range from excitement to a bit of fear. This is wonderful and scary all at the same time.  I need to take a deep breath and roll with it.  Cortney face is a reminder that beauty comes in many forms.  And one of my favorite comments on Facebook is, "God doesn't make mistakes." She was meant for great things. Thank you all for taking this roller coaster of a journey with me. For allowing me the luxury of dreaming...and rambling....and sharing. :) 


  1. So very happy for you and Courtney Looks like a wonderful young lady and hope she has lots of good luck with the modelling. Awesome

  2. Absolutely fabulous! I am grinning from ear to ear for you both!

  3. I have a tear in my eyes, Courtney is a lovely beautiful young Lady born for a reason, as are we all
    God is Good .

    Take a deep breath and enjoy it all .
    Elaine H X

  4. How awesome! Way to go, Courtney! She's beautiful! Looks like she had some fun doing it too!

  5. Yay! That's awesome news!!!!

  6. How wonderful for both of you! Courtney's sweet smile can speak volumes. I pray that God will use her mightily for His work! God is so good. Best wishes to you all!

  7. WOW! So happy for you both.
    Every girl deserves a dream. Mom's included. Good luck with it all.

  8. So happy for Courtny do convey my congratulations to her and hats off to you for believing in her so much!!
    Dr Sonia

  9. Courtney makes a very beautiful model! Do love that smile of hers! You are a very wonderful Mom to Courtney helping her make her dreams come true. Thank you for sharing your story and no I never get tired of your exciting news! LOL!

  10. When you wish upon a star... dreams come true!!!! Looks like your Courtney will be a star!!! I'm thrilled for her and you... it just seems to make so much sense in this day and age to use models of all kinds!!!! Good luck and enjoy the moments and memories of it all!!!!!!

  11. I am bursting with excitement for all the wonderful things in store for Cortney (and you)! I truly believe that all things unravel as they should so just roll with it and enjoy the journey!!! Give Cortney a big congrats hug from me please!!! :)

  12. My goodness she is beautiful! How exciting for her to have this opportunity! I bet it is something she will never forget!


  13. What fun! We all believe in this beautiful young lady! Congratulations!!!!!!!

  14. Such fantastic news, Michele! I am so happy for both of you!

  15. Wishing you both all the best! You certainly deserve it!!!

  16. Yay! Congrats to Cortney! I had no doubt someone would want her. She is beautiful!

  17. What a beautiful young lady. Congrats!

  18. She is a beautiful girl.. and deserves every opportunity to shine!! Kudos to her!!

  19. This news makes my heart smile! I can only imagine the joy and pride your family must be feeling! Congrats to you all!

  20. Congratulations to both of you! I cannot wait to hear what's next. Enjoy the journey relish in the possibilities.

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