Friday, December 12, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree-Cricut Style!

Good morning to you!  
I have a Christmas card to share with you today that uses my Cricut and the Creative Holiday Cards cartridge.  It was published in Northridge's Cricut Magazine last year. 
I cut the Christmas tree and added glossy accents and clear coarse glitter.  I then adhered that to the white panel. The designer paper is from Papertrey Ink.
I popped up the main image using foam tape.  I was able to slip red gingham ribbon behind it and tie a bow.  I added a few distressed jingle bells tied with twine to the center. 
I have been sick all week and my goal this weekend is to try and rest up so I am healthy for the holidays.  Of course "resting" will be done in between the 8,000 loads of laundry and the filthy thing I call a house. ;)
I also have a photo shoot tomorrow of a sweet family for Christmas.  
But then.....I will rest. 
Take out and movies!
Have a great weekend my friends!

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