Sunday, May 17, 2015


Good morning!  I have a quiet house at the moment.  My son had prom and then overnight to an Aname convention. My husband is golfing, and Cort is sleeping.  So I am savoring my cup of coffee while listening to my dog snore in the background.  Once Cort gets up, my day will be crazy once again. 
She has been battling an infection in her knee.  If today it isn't any better, I will be taking her to the ER. :( 

Thank you for leaving me comments my last post. I was starting to feel a bit lonely here. ;) 
I have a card I made a couple of weeks ago before the crap hit the fan here in the Kovack household.
I love flowers almost as much as I love glitter.....and water colors. I love water colors too. 
So I used the Spellbinder's Rose die and created a cluster of roses.  I cut them with water color paper and used Peerless watercolors to add color. 
I used various Spellbinder's circle and scallop dies , Simon Says Stamp Circle die, as well as Lawn Fawn's Joy die to create the base of the card. And as expected, I added a healthy dose of glitter. 
In the midst of craziness, my son had his senior prom.  It was a couple of hours all about him.  My emotions have been all over the place this week.  I am so proud of my son. He is such a caring gentle young man. He has a heart of gold and I am going to miss him terribly in the fall when he goes away to school. 
His childhood has been spent in the shadow of his sister's medical issues, therapies, doctor appointments, and constant care. He has never complained. He goes out of his way to help me.
He has comforted me on bad days and let me cry.
To see my son happy, is the best gift a mother can receive.  I love him dearly and I adore the man he is becoming.
There is a good chance I will be heading to the hospital with Cort.  Unless she had some miraculous recovery last night.  Please pray that this infection starts to heal and she can get back to being her happy smiling self.
And thank you for not letting me feel like a lonely loser over here.  ;) 
Your comments certainly brightened my day!


  1. What a beautiful card. Your son looks so handsome. I hope your day gets better. Hang in there.

  2. First of all, your card is beautiful! Secondly, your son sounds amazing and I love the way you describe him. No wonder you are so proud of him! And lastly, I will be praying for Cort right now, that this infection will completely disappear. God can do that, and more! Have a bright and cheerful day.

  3. Beautiful card! Love the colors and shape.
    What a handsome young man. Thank you for sharing him with us ♥
    Lastly, Thoughts and prayers for you and Cort! ♥♥

  4. Prayers for you Michelle. You are such an inspiration! Your son is very handsome. Get well wishes to Cort!

  5. I am a new visitor to this website today. I found a link to here at Patter Triple the Scraps website. Please know that you are not alone!! I'm going to subscribe and bookmark this website. I love your cards!! I will begin to pray for you and your family. You have every right to be very proud of your son; he has grown up to be a handsome man with great values! I pray that God has healed Cort's knee! With God, all things are possible!!!

  6. As always positive thoughts to you all Michelle. I really hope Cort gets better soon. It can feel so long this road we travel but you are never alone. I love that we have this community of friends that we will never meet but that can give us encouragement on our journey.
    Your card is beautiful and you are an inspiration.

  7. Beautiful card and pictures of your son. Praying for your daughter's healing. ❤️

  8. Gorgeous card! I love watercolors also. Prayers that Cort's infection heals quickly. Your son's photos are gorgeous!

  9. I always follow your blog and read about your family. You can be very proud of how you handle a life that can't be easy. I don't think I have ever commented before but I do like the cards and family photos that you post. I pray that Cortney gets better soon.

  10. I pray that Cortney is now better and her recovery will be lasting. May the peace that surpasses all understanding live in your heart today, and always. Wonderful card!

  11. Your card is so pretty!
    Your son is so handsome, I know you are tremendously proud of him! I wish him all the best at University.
    I'll remember you and Cortney in my prayers. We are never really alone although we sometimes feel that way. Keep your faith up and I am sure (with prayer) all will be well.

  12. Your son is a handsome one. He and his date make a handsome couple.
    I know it's hard having one child take up so much attention. I can remember when we first adopted our with special needs, thinking when the day was done, 'Did I even say hello to my other kids today."
    Praying for Cortney.

  13. Those flowers are GORGEOUS!!! Congrats to your son, and I hope your daughter continues to improve.


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