Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving Eve...Eve!

Good morning! 
I am up on the Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L blog today with a Thanksgiving card!
I have used products from some of my most favorite companies. 
The die cut leaves are from JustRite. They were water colored using my Zig Clean Brush Markers.  I gave them a coating of glossy accents and glitter. I used Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L's DODZ™ - Medium to adhere the leaves.
Created by Michele Kovack
The sentiment is from SRM Stickers.  I adhered it across the leaves using Crafty Foam Tape. I tied black twine and a few sequins to finish off my card.  
Created by Michele Kovack
Today is my last day of work for the week! I am so glad too because my house is filthy and the laundry is piled high.  I am hosting Thanksgiving and have so much to do!  I am thinking I should dim the lights, put a few candles on and forget about the cleaning! LOL!
Have a great day my friends!


  1. Those layers of glossy colorful leaves are amazing, Michele. What a gorgeous card. I am wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving.

  2. Those leaves are absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful card!

  3. I love the card and I vote for dimming the lights and setting out candles! It will make everyone feel more at home and you'll have to clean after everyone finishes anyway... why do it twice?


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