Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love You....

It's Valentine's Day.
It's a day to celebrate the people in your life that you care about.
Reflecting on this just reminds me how truly blessed I am.
I am so fortunate to be married to my best friend, and to have two wonderful children.
I am proud of both of them.
Created by Michele Kovack
I am surrounded by old friends, new friends, neighbors, and extended family who make my life a little bit sweeter. 
I am happy to have a hobby that I love and the support of my crafty friends in my personal and crafty life. 
Life isn't perfect.  There are times I question what I am doing. What life is really about. But in the grand scheme of things, I know that I wouldn't have it any other way. 
The loves in my life are irreplaceable. 
Created by Michele Kovack
I sustain myself 
with the love of family....

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Beautiful family picture. I am also a very blessed person with a wonderful husband of 55 years and beautiful children and grandchildren. Like you say, life isn't always perfect, but it is good. Hugs and Happy valentine day to you and your family.

  2. Beautiful card and even more beautiful family!

  3. Such a precious, soft, sweet card! I also love the photo of the Family! Yes, family is wonderful...

  4. I love this card... it is so ME, I must put it in my idea file for something along the same lines next Valentine's Day... with your blessing, of course. I teach a card making class at the local senior center and am always on the hunt for new ideas that I know will appeal to them. Saying "senior center" reminds me that when I do say that I know that people are imagining a bunch of old people sitting around in wheel chairs and shuffling along on walkers while a TV is blasting away in the community room. Not so... such a bunch of friendly, lively people! Always busy and engaged. Our group has become very tight and the small fees they pay keep me in materials for all of us to enjoy. As an aside, I am thinking and praying about you and your current situation... you have my sympathies. The best decisions are not necessarily the easy ones. Bless you for your courage and selflessness.


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