Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Eskimo Kisses!

Happy Tuesday to you! 
I love making ornaments to give away to friends and family (and some to keep)! I pulled out an old set from Crafty Secrets and stamped the image in grey on kraft card stock.  I wanted to try my hand at "no line" coloring.  (Not sure I really succeeded).  I used my Prisma Colored Pencils.
I cut the image out with a die from Tattered Rose.  I threaded a bit of string through it. I tied some silk ribbon from the Stamp Simply Store, with a jingle bell, and adhered it to the corner of the circle.  I dipped the edges of my circles in glue and added some glittery flakes.  

This week is spirit week at school! Yesterday we wore our holiday hats and today is crazy sock day!
I love this time of year when the kids are excited and anticipating Christmas!  I think I appreciate it even more now that my own kids are grown. :)
My own kiddos come home next week for the holidays too.....so all is good in my world!
Have a wonderful day my friends!

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