Sunday, April 2, 2017

Water Color Vs. Prisma Pencils!

Good morning! I love this adorable stamp from Whipper Snapper called, Bow Wow Birthday!  I loved it so much I decided to make two cards with it.  The first card uses Zig Clean Color Markers.  I love water color,but due to my impatient personality, I sometimes mess up my images.  It is very wise to work on areas of the card that don't touch!  I've learned many times the hard way!
I added mini pom poms to their party hats, a few colorful sequins and a die cut sentiment. 
For my second card I used Prisma colored pencils.  Coloring with pencils is a bit more time consuming, but I do love the look it gives! I also felt like I had a bit more control with the pencils. I added highlights with a white gel pen.  

I used a plaid paper behind the image from Lawn Fawn, a sticker sentiment from SRM Stickers, and a few sequins.  
Here are the two cards side by side.  Which one do you like better?  What medium do you prefer?  Water colors or colored pencils?
Thank you so much for stopping by today!


  1. I love both of your cards. You always do such a great job with your images. So colorful! I prefer using colored pencils when I color a stamp image because I am not very adept with watercolors. Thanks for sharing your art with us!

  2. That image is so cute I can hardly stand it! Love Whipper Snapper! You're very adept at both watercolors and pencils. I'm partial to watercolors. Love the look and the experience of it. Sometimes pencils are just the ticket, though, and I enjoy them, too. I just like to color! I suppose Copics are the quickest when you have the right colors. You're very good with those, too. Any way you look at it, both of these cards are darling!

  3. They are both adorable. But I would choose the 2nd one (pencils). I just like those colors better. Thank you for sharing your talent :)

  4. Either one you nailed both coloring techniques. Great cards!!

  5. Michele,

    These are BOTH gorgeous. I love them both! Each one is beautiful in its own way... You've done an amazing coloring job though, that's for sure!

    Love & hugs, Ree XO

  6. They are both so wonderful! And that image just makes me smile big! Love the Pompons on their party hats!!!!

  7. I love them both!! I wish I could do half as well! The pompoms were a great idea!


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