Monday, May 1, 2017

Life Gets Crazy!

Good morning friends! 
I finally have a card to share.
Life seems to constantly get in the way lately.  I wonder if anyone even comes to my little corner of the world.  I know my posts are sporadic at best. 
So here are to the people that still come by to see what I am up to.... ;)
I stamped a one layer card using this cute coffee stamp from Flourishes. (It's an older set that I borrowed from my mother-in-law!)  
The image was colored using Copic markers.  I added a bit of glossy accents to the centers of the flowers and the lemon wedge.  I wanted to bring out the yellow a bit more so I squeezed a few Nuvo drops. 
Here are two very good reasons why I don't post every day.  :)

Cortney's 22nd birthday is today! She also just celebrated her 1 year anniversary at Misericordia.  She is involved in yoga, aquatic therapy, Developmental Time (similar to a school day), art club, Special Olympics, Showtime, and the church choir. We bring her home frequently, like this past weekend when we celebrated her 22nd birthday.  I have started a fundraiser for Misericordia selling jewelry with their logo. I worked with a local jeweler who made my vision a reality.  In addition to that, Brian and I were asked to be on the board.  We start in August.  And finally, this past weekend, we stood on the corner for Misericordia's "Candy Days."  It was cold, windy, and rainy, but we both managed to collect 4 cans of money for this wonderful charity! 
This young man of mine is finishing up his sophomore year in college.  He started an internship with a gaming company and will continue through the summer. I am extremely proud of him and can't believe he will a junior! 
I always thought with the kiddos older, I would have a ton more time.  In some ways I do, but in other ways I have taken on more.  I still love to craft, but it has definitely taken a back seat to other aspects of my life.  I think sometimes I feel guilty?  LOL! Any of you ever go through this?  Where you think maybe it's time to give it up?  


  1. I am glad you post your work here and there! Love visiting your blog :)
    Our kids are our pride and joy, I know that is how I feel about mine and there seems to be less and less time to do much. I hope you are not going to stop crafting EVER!
    Take care,
    Paper Talk with Samra

  2. I know how you feel, life can be crazy. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your lovely cards. You have two awesome kids and Cortney is a beautiful young lady, I'm sure she had a wonderful birthday with you all.
    Take care.
    New Zealand

  3. Lovely family and card! How exciting that you are involved in so many important activities. Yes, I'm at that moment where I think about packing up all the supplies. Life has other priorities at the moment. But I think I will keep it all out as I still enjoy making cards on occasion. I'm just giving it time.

  4. You are Amazing! I love your Enthusiasm ��!I'm glad I found you as I'm enjoying your Creative Cardmaking and sharing your ideas! I can take a lesson from you. However long it takes to finish a project,keep at it and continue to Share because that's good Therapy ☺

  5. You are Amazing! I love your Enthusiasm ��!I'm glad I found you as I'm enjoying your Creative Cardmaking and sharing your ideas! I can take a lesson from you. However long it takes to finish a project,keep at it and continue to Share because that's good Therapy ☺

  6. Lovely pictures of your children. I am always glad to hear how they are doing. I think of Courtney often. I, too, have a daughter with a chronic illness and while she is currently doing well, I understand how all consuming that can be for a mom. Art and crafting has been a healing activity for me but sometimes, it is necessary to take a break and not let it just become another item on the "to do" list. So do it when you want to and don't feel guilty. Wishing you all well.

  7. I do enjoy your posts. I understand about being overwhelmed with responsibilities. Your posts about your family are so sweet and I enjoy reading about how well they are doing. Whenever you post about a trial, I always offer prayers for you and yours. I would definitely miss your posts should you decide to back off.

  8. Hi, Michele! I still see you and I adore your card. It's a very pretty image and I love how you brought out the yellow with the Nuvo drops. You're at the age when life can get the busiest. You still have kids in school and you're a very involved parent, even though they're away most of the time. You're mature and community minded, plus still working. I'm retired, but seem to be as busy as ever and I have to let stamping be the lesser of my priorities. When I don't push it I find it just happens, but many days I have to put it at the back of my mind. I hope you'll stay with it as it's something you enjoy and do just for you. Happy belated birthday to Cortney! You have every reason to be proud of both your children.

  9. I love your cards and other projects you make! You are a very talented woman!
    It's been fun watching your kidos grow into the fine adults they are.
    I too struggle some days with the "guilt" of crafting or not crafting. Cause I should be doing my chores and such. But the good news is that feeling goes away real quick as soon as I sit myself down at my craft table lol!! I have always been impressed with you and how you have a balance of home, school, and craft. I struggle with that. Any way you rock! Loves, Ruthie

  10. i get your feed when you post. I get so much inspiration from you and all you do, it makes my life insignificant. Keep crafting!

  11. Happy Birthday to Cortney! What a beautiful young woman. Your son is so grown up. I remember meeting you both in Target several years ago. My, how the time has flown! Although I don't comment very often, I do enjoy reading your blog and seeing pictures of your family and, of course, your creations. Will your jewelry be featured on your blog?

  12. Life definitely ebbs and flows, and we need to adapt to new opportunities and old "loves". Meanwhile, we will watch and be amazed when we do get to see a peek at your beautiful creations!


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