Monday, October 16, 2017

The No Line Coloring Trend Continues! Macaroons!

Good morning and happy Monday to you!
I am literally obsessed right now with no line coloring.  I chose this set from Jane's Doodles, Tea Time.  I adore the macaroons in this set.  I did lots of masking and used my mini misti to line them up.
I did change my coloring medium to Prisma Colored Pencils.  I was at a charity crop a few weeks ago and wanted to pack light.  So all I brought were stamps and Prisma pencils.  When I got home I assembled my colored images into a finished card. Do you see the little stars around the image? That was due to my Mini Misti being dirty with black ink and me smudging the background with specks of black.  So I had to disguise it.  No way was I throwing all of my hard work away!  So I added more black specks with a Sharpie and glued tiny gold stars on.  Distraction works every time! HA!  I tied a long silk ribbon from the Stamp Simply store and added a mini pink flower from Queen and Company
Thank you all for stopping by! Have a great day!

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