Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Touchable Texture!

Good morning!
I apologize for being away so long. Let me tell you what is going on in this crazy life of mine.  During my Christmas break we sold our house and then bought a new house!  It has been a stressful emotional journey.  We've lived in our house for 26 years and there a lot of memories attached to this house. But we also felt the house is too much for us and we wanted to simplify a bit.  So we found a townhouse that would require no yard work at all and a smaller footprint inside. So between lawyers, loan officers, realtors, purging, and packing, my time has been very occupied.  (Imagine trying to pack up your scrapbook room! ACK!)
I am trying to take it one a time.

Today's card is up on the Scrapbook Adhesives's blog.
Creating Heartful Texture to Cards by Michele Kovack for Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L
The fun little pop beads are from Queen & Company. 

My posts will be a bit sporadic until we move and get settled. Our closing is soon....Feb. 16th. 
Wish me luck that I don't lose my mind!
And for those of you that have moved, please pass along any advice!
Thank you friends for stopping by and paying me a visit!


  1. I love this card: the colors, the texture, the layout. I wanted to make some of those hearts and when I clicked on the link for the foam hearts, it took me to the Scrapbook Adhesives site. I could not purchase them there, and was then directed to a list of "Retailers." I clicked on all the retailers in the U.S. and none of them have the heart foam. I'm disappointed that I am not able to obtain these foam hearts...but I love your project. Thank you for sharing.

  2. very unique and cute card. i haven't seen those hearts before.

    Moving - if you don't have time to go through everything, or it's too emotional, just take it with you and sort it through at the new home. Much less stressful. You can also look at items and ask yourself "have I used this in the last X years?" if no, out it goes if it holds no sentimental value. Also there are articles out there on moving and what todays children want of their parents material items (not much) passed down to them.

    good luck. Love your work, so inspiring.


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