Thursday, October 11, 2018

Bathroom Remodel and a Painted Ceiling?

Have you ever started a project that was supposed to be easy? And then it turned into a huge beast of a job?  Are all home improvement tasks like this?
We have a powder room for guests that looked like this.....after we took the chair rail down.
Yes, I chair rail.
Who puts a chair rail in the bathroom? 
Were they expecting a huge crowd?
Chair rail down....huge holes in the wall. Lots of spackling, sanding, spackling, sanding, and more spackling. 
We had these Hollywood lights and this mirror. And a vanity that stood 31 inches tall. 35 inches in standard.  I stand a whopping 5 ft, 3 inches tall and fell huge next to the vanity!  
This became a problem then with the mirror.
Because most mirrors are glued on.
So if taking down the chair rail left holes in the drywall, the mirror was going to be crater sized holes.
What do we do?   
We took the mirror down.
And yes it left 4 large holes in the drywall.
So back to spackling, sanding, spackling, sanding....
you get the idea. 
The project from start to finish took about 6 weeks.
There were quite a few snags that derailed us.
(2 containers of spackle, R35 to seal the wall from moisture...don't ask how I found out that NOT sealing it was a problem, and lots of sanding!)
Lately I've had a love affair with the color orange. 
It makes me happy.
When I told my family and friends I wanted to paint a wall AND the ceiling orange, they all thought I had gone off the deep end.
I started doubting myself. ;)

New vanity (a normal height now of 35 inches!), new lights, and new mirror!
AND.....can you see the ceiling?  
The other 3 walls are a clean white to give the eye a place to rest. 
I love color, but I am not totally crazy people.
(Well maybe a little) 
I bought these water color prints at an art fair over the summer and it became my inspiration for the bathroom. 
So what do you think?  
Am I nuts?


  1. No you are not crazy ! It looks awesome !! Yes remodels are night mares I learned two lessons with my two remodel experiences... they were a few years apart. The first lesson NEVER EVER do a remodel with my husband... have someone else do it ! Second when you hire someone to do it, hire someone else also; reliable who duplicates your desires etc. , to supervise and you leave home until it's done. They say never say never WELL , I will NEVER again remodel with my husband or be around where he is for the remodel!!! Maybe it was because my sister-in-law and his aunt were financing it ... and he was fighting everything ... I don't know... anyway lessons learned !!!

  2. Its beautiful! Love the orange color! It IS a happy color!!! I am all for BRIGHT!!

  3. You are not crazy. I love the room and wished I had the nerve to do it to my bathroom! Maybe some day.
    I really enjoy your blog and love hearing about your life.
    Joanne O

  4. OMG - I love it! But your story scared me as I'm about to undertake redecorating my powder room. I may just call in a professional!

  5. No, you are not crazy. I painted my entry way orange about 7 years ago. It is a bright, wake you up, welcoming color. I salute you and your choice. Now that it's done, you deserve a big pat on the back for a job well done. Oh yeah, I love that you painted the ceiling.

  6. Love it! I have yellow walls in my living room and bedrooms to help combat the winter blues and it's been over 3 years, so there's nothing wrong with a little color that you like, LOL!


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