Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Anchor's Away!

Today is the day....Kyle leaves for boot camp at noon. 
Great Lakes for the next 8 weeks.
My emotions are all over the place......so strange how you can feel joy and sorrow at the same time.
I wanted to make sure these past few months, Kyle knew how very much he is loved, and how proud of him we are. 
All supplies are Whimsy Stamps except for the sticker at the bottom.  :)



  1. Love your card. He is going to love it. I said a prayer for Kyle. My niece Amber is in the Air Force and getting ready to leave for Guam. Would love for you to say a prayer for her. Happy New Year to you!

  2. Wonderful card! You are an Awesome Mom!

  3. Heart-touchingly beautiful card. May your son remain safe and well at all times.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  4. Dear Michele,
    My son served in the Air Force from 2002 until 2012. I know exactly what you are going through. It's the strangest feelings of pride one moment and break down tears the next. I wrote the following for my son when he was out of Basic training and into Tech school. I hope it brings you comfort. xo xo Debra

    A Message in the *Twinkle*

    Child of mine
    Out of the reach of this mama's hugs.
    Look up to the stars at night.
    I've beamed a message of
    love there.

    On the nights when the stars
    are hidden behind clouds
    I'm still reminded of you.
    You are hidden from my view,
    yet I trust in the beating of your heart.
    We shared heartbeats for nine months
    and became forever bonded.

    The twinkle of the stars
    are a comfort to me from
    God above.
    Child, see the stars and feel my hugs.

    Love Always,

    Debra Estep


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