Saturday, January 15, 2022

Elephant Love

Hello my crafty friends!
Today is take two of the new Elephantastic set by Whimsy Stamps.  I realized when I was uploading the photos here that I used the same color scheme.  I must be on a pink and blue kick these days.  :) 
The image was stamped with a no line ink and colored with my Zig Clean Color Markers.  The image was cut out using the Nested Hexagon set. For the layered pieces behind the image, I used the Quilted Rainbow Inlaid Die. 
I used some bits of flowers, hand cut leaves, and ribbon to dress up the top a bit. (All from my stash....and believe stash seems to forever grow!) ;) 
Thank you for stopping today my friends!
Check out Whimsy Stamps for all of their new products!


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