Saturday, November 3, 2007

Scrapbook Sunday!

I am trying so hard to get back into scrappin. I really have a difficult time going from cards to scrap pages. Maybe it is the instant gratification of cards. Maybe I'm just weird and no one else has this problem? Anyway, this page is of my niece Katie. She is the cutest, tiniest little baby! I have been on a bit of a button craze these days. I find myself using buttons on my cards, altered projects...everything! I am loving all the vintage ribbon I bought too. The paper is a mixture of SU! and some Basic Grey. The chipboard letters have been in my scrap room forever...I think they are by Chatterbox. They came in a kit with some flowers and such.

Anyway it is 1:00 am and I am getting really tired....time to go to bed! Goodnight!


  1. I love your scrapbook page, but I really love your card. You're really good using your copic markers! Thanks again for coming over to visit my blog. Laurie

  2. Beautiful page!! Those picture are so adorable!! :)

  3. Michele, she is beautiful! This page is so cute. I need to start casing your pages but I am hooked on cards right now. Oh Well!

  4. Those are the cutest photos! Love your layout and the fab buttons!

  5. I've had a scrappin' weekend too....
    Great Page BTW

  6. Oh this page is so adorable, and so is Katie! I can relate too, I haven't done nearly as much scrappin as I'd like lately!

  7. This page turned out wonderful!

  8. I can totally relate to your "dual personality" problem! I started as a scrapper, then got "sucked into" stamping and cards. I haven't scrapped a page in months!

  9. Great page, love the lace, what an adorable niece.

  10. Michele, that is beautiful! Like all your scrapbook pages! Your niece is so precious!

  11. I love Katie's page! She is a cutie, and I love the lace and buttons you used!


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