Friday, November 6, 2009

Great Sketch.....not so great LO!

Vicki Chrisman is hosting a sketch challenge this week. THIS is the sketch! Last night I decided to scrap Cort's Hannah Montana pics. I struggled for some reason with this LO. I think my creativeness left the building! OR maybe it is because I have a tendency to do shabby, vintage inspired LO's.......which this was definitely not! Anyway after struggling......and not really happy with the results....this is my LO. I guess not all of them can be winners.

On a positive note.....I did get an appt. for Cort to get the H1N1 vaccine on Monday. Hopefully, she stays healthy until then. And my girl is getting a haircut tomorrow. I am thinking of going short on her........what do ya think?

TGIF! Have a great one!


  1. It's good to stretch out of your comfort zone now and then. I actually really like the masked stars in the background and your colors are really fun!

  2. I totally agree with what "Jingle" said... stretching out and trying different things is a good thing. That's why its a "challenge" lol... so you did awesome.
    I am so thrille that you played along!!!

  3. I love your masked background on this!! The colors and layout are beautiful!!! I am sure Cort will love it.

    My youngest daughter just had her hair cut yesterday. She has had long hair ever since her began to grow. It is nice to have a change sometimes. Meghan looks awesome with shorter hair. Maybe Cort will too?


  4. Oh Michelle...this LO is PERFECT!!! I love all the details and the masking.........STUNNING!! SO glad you got an appointment for the vaccine for Cort and I say go is so easy to take care of!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!! :-)

  5. I agree. It's all in good fun to stretch your style. Fun colors, and I am sure it will be loved. Go short! It will grow back. :)

  6. Great photos and I like the way your layout turned out :)

  7. great backgound on this,love the photos too love cheryl xxxx

  8. I am sooo laughing out loud...Your creation is a real work of art...not something that anyone of us could have a really unique way...and I am envious...just gotta deal!!!

  9. Michele, I think you did an awesome job on your LO! I love the background with all of the masking! Love all of the glitter and bling! Fabulous pictures of Cort--it looks like she had a blast for Halloween!

  10. Your layout is great---I really like the colors and what you did. Courtney would look adorable in any hair length.

  11. Hey girl!
    I think you did a great job on this LO! Love masking...I need to do this more often :)
    I'm with Linda, Cort will look super in any length...have fun deciding.
    Very relieved to hear that you found & got an appt for Cort.
    Have a great weekend, friend!
    Oh! I'll see you next weekend! xo

  12. You are cutting yourself short...I really like this Layout!! Your "Cort" is beautiful!

  13. I think your LO turned out great.
    Cort is really pretty, she will look good with any hairstyle. Great pics of her dressed as Hanna Montana :P

  14. Love the background and Cort looks hilarious in that giant's almost as big as her!


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