Monday, October 29, 2012


Halloween is almost here......hard to believe that the holidays are fast approaching!  I wanted to share my last Halloween Crafty Secret's project with you. It uses the Halloween Digital CD.  I love the look on this pumpkin's face! ; )  All of the papers used were printed using the CD. I took a Tattered Angels chipboard frame and covered it in black glass glitter.  It is chunkier than regular glitter, but I love the texture it gives.  
I created another alphabet stick pin, added a bit of seam binding, and this miniature piece of candy I had in my stash.  Jolee's perhaps?  
Thank you so much for  all of your support during this journey with Cortney.  I hope you aren't tired of hearing about it just yet....because I am hoping this is just the beginning of great things to come for her.  She was so cute yesterday.  She must have watched herself in the news about 30 times.  She was so excited to go back to school and tell her teachers she was on TV.  


  1. the retro look. As for your daughter...I can see why she's stuff!! Lee-Ann :)

  2. What a beautiful card Michele.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  3. Fantastic card! I love how cute the pumpkin guy is & how he looks like he's up to something!


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