Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Party Time!

Just a quick post tonight.....I am fighting a cold! I feel pretty lousy and need to get myself to bed early. This was a fast card I created using the Crafty Secret's Journaling Booklet. I Cuttlebugged the background and added a ribbon. The photo corners were homemade using the left over scraps from this image. I just placed them in the corner and folded it to the back. I'm trying to think "green!"

Did you notice my new look? Karen (Life at the Polka Dot House)revamped my blog. She did such a great job don't ya think? I loved my old blog......but was ready for a change I guess!


  1. I love your new blog look and this card! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

  2. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog post about a packaging material challenge. Your card is adorable. You can't go wrong with black, pink and white.

  3. sweet blog makeover!! cute card!!!

  4. The Blog looks awesome and what a cute little card!!! Hoping that you are feeling better with your cold, yuck, they make you feel so miserable!!! Take care of yourself!

  5. So unique a creation...great color palette!

  6. This card is adorable Michele and YES ... your new blog header caught my eye immediately ... LOVE IT!! Very FRESH looking!!

  7. Love your new look and love that vintage image on that card too..So cute

  8. glad you like it! thanks for letting me do it for you!

  9. Your blog looks fabulous and I love that card!

  10. Great new look. I love the vintage image and the corner treatments. Beautiful card!

  11. I am so sorry you don't feel good... Hope you will be better soon!
    You card is so pretty! Love the CB embossing!
    Love the new look of your blog too!

  12. I love your vintage card!! Wonderful!!

  13. Love the look of your new blog Michele. I have been meaning to learn how to change mine and can never find the time. Maybe I should try to get someone to do it for me. Yours is just beatiful. Love the cards you are making.



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