Thursday, June 9, 2011

JustRite's Christmas Mini Sentiments

Good morning! I haven't slept much due to the fact that some nasty storms rolled in last night. It was a crazy amount of lightning, thunder, and buckets and buckets of rain. I don't like storms. Not one little bit. I am a nervous Nelly! So I am typing this with a bit of sleepiness on the brain! ; ) It is Day three of JustRite's newest releases. Today's set is all about sentiments. I love this Christmas Mini Sentiment's set because it is fabulous to use with other sets and projects!

I created this little treat box using my Cricut and the cartridge called, Tags, Bags, Boxes, and More! This is the pie box and it was cut at 5". I trimmed the top of the box with vintage lace and gave the top a generous coating of glossy accents and course clear glitter. I cut the tree from the Winter Frolic cartridge at 3.5". I inked the edges of the tree, added glossy accents, and also added glitter to it. The sentiment was stamped using Papertrey's Raspberry Fizz ink and cut out using a Spellbinder's die from the Happy Everything tag set. I inked the edges and attached it to my tree. I added a small piece of doily, a rhinestone, and some twine. I wrapped the whole box with some seam binding, and added painted and glittered chipboard swirl to tuck behind the tree.

JustRite Inspiration

Michele Kovack <-------- Me! : )

Stephanie Kraft

Kellie Fortin

Kathy Jones

Heidi Blankenship

Mona Pendleton

Angela Barkhouse

Barb Schram

Sankari Wegman

Tonight is Kyle's big day...........8th grade graduation! I am getting my camera charged and my tissues ready! ; )


  1. Lovely, sweet project....with glitter! Love it!

  2. Wow! This is so pretty! Love the lime green ribbon, the course glitter, and the glossy accents.

  3. This is so cool! I love the pie box, and I wish I had that cart. I think it's been discontinued. :-( We had a nasty ol storm too roll in last night. Left neighbors with lots of damage. Down trees etc. Glad all is ok on your end. Love the new sentiments.


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