Monday, May 6, 2013

JustRite's New Release Day 2!

I am so glad you are stopping by to see day 2 of JustRite's new May release!  This set is called, Birthday Vintage Labels Four.  This set is absolutely perfect for using the hottest trend right now....the chalkboard technique!  This was my first card using this fun method!  I embossed the background in white and the sentiment in a pale pink. 
I grabbed my white and pale pink ink pads and did a bit of sponging around the edges.  I took my finger and kind of smudged it a bit with the white or pink ink around the frame and sentiment.  Not an exact method by any means! ;)
I used my Martha Stewart butterfly punch to add a bit of color and my Silhouette to create a few rolled flowers.  The final touches include seam binding and a few epoxy pearls.  
This is the entire right?!
Be sure to pop on over to my fellow design team girls....they have such fabulous projects to share with you!


  1. I super LOVE this...the pink embossing is awesome...I'm so inspired!

  2. this is stunning! The pink embossing gives it such a great look. :)

  3. I absolutely love this card! I've been using the chalkboard technique for some time now and have a few projects posted on my blog. I would love for you to visit! (I have an article in the current issues of The Stampers' Sampler.

    Laura from

  4. Love that vintage labels stamp. You did a great job with it. You really have a gift for using embellishments. They are wonderful.


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