WOW! I can't believe that 3 weeks ago I didn't even know what "blogs" were! My mom-in-law kept talking about the blogs and some of the women on them. I finally had to investigate what it was that she was talking about. Who would have thought that I would start my own! Thank you for all your nice comments! IT is SOOOO appreciated! I have met such wonderful people in doing this. But enough, down to business.....I am giving away 48 sheets of Making Memories 6 x 6 cardstock, Hot Hues notecards in beautiful pinks and browns (Very Basic Grey like!), and brown envelopes! Here is how it will work....Beth is working on a banner for me and I am desperately trying to come up with a cute Title and Subtitle...Something shorter than Thoughts of a Cardmaking Scrapbooker....Tell me what you think my banner should say! A random drawing will be held on Wednesday, April 18th! Thanks again!
Woo, Hoo!!! CONGRATS Michele! Isn't this hobby so much fun?!? I love updating my blog, reading others, and I have met some WONDERFUL people as well. Some have become friends of mine *wink*. Okay, I'm not very good at thinking up things like this, but I'll go ahead and throw on in there. What about "My Little Piece of Heaven". It's just a thought.
That is a hard task, to a name someone's blog...but I'll give it a try. How about "A piece of me".
I haven't been blogging long either and it is amazing how quickly we feel like we know each other and have friends all over. I enjoy your blog very much!
Have a great day!
Way to go Michele!
Title name?
That is a hard one.
How about "Crafts and Babble".
I don't know...I stink at thinking up things like that.
Ok I just did this myself. My blog is new too, come on over and visit. I named mine All Things {PRISS}y. My little place (for the letters in the word PRISS) stands for P aper, R ibbon, I nky, S tampin, and S crappin. It took me a couple of weeks to decide on one. But I have some others so here goes... to incorporate your some of your existing Title/Subtitle you seem to like the word Thoughts. So how about Brain Art, Art for Sanity. OR how about Paperworks, My Little Piece of Heaven for all things Inky. OR how about All Things Inky (this was actually my runner up for my blog), my place for....(you fill in the blank) OK I'm done. Good luck!
Hmmm. . .I'll have to think about a name. What kinds of things do you like? (like me with ladybugs)
I like the Cardmaking Scrapbooker! That is the hardest part about starting a blog is the title... it was for me too. :) Good luck sweetie!!
Good for you on coming out to blogoland...I agree with you...it is so fun out here and everybody is super friendly! I like your current name...and I am horrible for new names! Um...I tend to use words like stamp and craft onto current ones to make words that describe the situation...my current fav is craftastrophe! You could do something like that!
What about "thoughts of a papercrafter." But your current title explains you well!
Coming up with the title is the fun part! How about Kids, Dogs and Papercrafts.
Cheryl KVD
I agree it's hard to come up with a name for someone else, but how about just shortening your title. I think someone already suggested Cardmaking Scrapbooker, something like that. Beth helped me come up with a subtitle, maybe she had ideas!! Looks great so far!! Isn't it fun?! :)
How about Ink Thoughts.
Claudia F.
How about My Scrap Pad? My Scrap Joint? Scrapper's Hideaway? Scrap Nook? Hope these ideas help.
How about Cardmaking and Scrapbooking Reflections ? Congrats on creating a blog - will add to my Google Reader!
Congrats on your blog, Michele. How about "Pensive Creations" for a title? (or not ?!!)
Welcome to the world of blogging! It's lots of fun. Hmmm I like your blog title... you could put the first 3 words in a smaller font so your main title would be "Cardmaking Scrapbooker".
I think...
{michele's musings} ~thoughts of a cardmaking scrapper
Wow I would think that is quite a personal thing. What is wrong with the current title. I would think you picked it for a reason. Go with it!
It's a good life!
Terri E.
How about Scrappy Thoughts........
I like your blog name.
What about: Scrap Happy, Rubber, Ink and Scraps,
Best of Both Worlds: Scrapping and Card making!,
Chele's place in Blog Space, (LOL)
Have fun with the blog candy contest and congratulations on the 1000 posts!!!
Congrats, Michele! Personally I like your blog name. It is uniquely you ;0) Maybe with a new banner and a new font you will like it better. Whatever you decide I am sure it will be fabulous! I love your blog...keep up the great work. :0)
What about Cerebral Cards and Crafts. Kind of a tribute to your daughter: cerebral has many great synonyms including creative, and I have always been a fan of alliteration.
Great blog. I'm adding you to my "blogs I visit often" list. As for names? I really have a hard time with that. How about something like "Thoughts of a craft junkie?" HA!
How about Thoughts on Paper? After all, every page you make is a story just as an author puts his thoughts to paper. And you dont even have to have words to convey your story.
Cograts on all the hits! How about The Chele Corral. If you are into the cute Bella stamps that are so popular, a cute title could be MicheleBelle.
Linda SS
Have fun with this! How bout Cards and Scraps! Musings of a card maker and scrapbooker! Good luck!
Congrats! I'm terrible at coming up with new names - although I do like the idea of just shortening it a bit with Thoughts of a Cardmaking Scrapper!
Best of luck!
Heather L.
hi michele,
found ur site through allison's blog. as for a new name... how about musings on papercrafting... or delight in papercrafting? then that would inclue cardmaking and scrapbooking. =)
Congratulations Michele!!!!
I myself don't have a blog...it must be hard coming up with a name for your banner.How bout...My Scrappin'Home...I don't know,not too good at this,hehe.Good Luck! and thanks for the chance to win.
By the way I love your Mouse card with the cherries...he's sooo cute!
Congrats on your new blog & hits. How about something like;
Cards & Scraps by Michele!
Cards & Scrappy Thoughts
Michele's Cards & Scrappy Thoughts
My Little Blog of Cards & Scrappy Thoughts.
A Scrappers Journey
Thoughts of a Cardmaker & Scrapper
Looks like you have a lot of good suggestions on new ideas. Hope you find something you like.
This is a hard one...how about Scraps of Me, Thinking Thoughts, Scraps of Thoughts, or you could just use TCS as your title and thoughts of a cardmaking scrapbooker as your sub-title. You have a lot of really good suggestions so far. Good Luck and I can't wait to see the new banner!
I'm not good with catchy little phrases..... I like what you have! I'm new to scrapping and stumbled onto your blog and I'll be back. How about "thoughts of a scrapper" or "scrappin' thoughts"
Good luck! Carol Ries
I like your current title. I was drawn to the name.
However, what about Card and Scrapbook Musings?
I haven't started a blog for me but I can see I will have a hard time naming one!
Good luck. You will do very well!
I think I like your name you have, you could maybe shorten it slightly to The Cardmaking Scrapbooker - it does explain what you do. Congrats on your blog
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I really like your cards! As for a name...whew, that's a tough one. How about "craft ya later"
I agree it is really hard to name someone else's blog.....Mine was a combination of the two things I love cards and coffee hence...card creme. I think it should be something you are passionate about or insight on yourself like "my design" or something that is your favorite card making supply. ie "Flourishing"
Good luck and thanks for the opportunity at the blog candy!
Coming up with that perfect name can be tough. I like to rhyme so how about Think'in bout Ink'in.
Melissa R.
Thanks for the nice things you wrote on my blog! :) Please, everyone, feel free to check out my scrapbooking and crafting blog! http://stickhorses.blogspot.com/
*Anyway*. I like different names for blogs... like my craft blog is {Stick Horses}. I love it!!
Here are a few...
Popcicle Sticks
Captivating Memories
Have another...
Embossed Memories...?
Oh, a subtitle.... LOL! 3 comments, and hopefully my last. :)
Living, Learning, Loving, and papercrafting!
Husband, Kids, Dogs, and Embossing Powder! ;)
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