I used Daisy D's paper, vintage buttons from Mary's etsy shop, flower stickers also from Daisy D, my Cricut machine for the letters, and some rub ons.
Thanks everyone for leaving such nice comments. I think part of it was just having a crappy week at work. I work with alllll women.......enough said!
Very cute page! I love her sunglasses, they remind me of something I would have worn at her age.
Hope your week gets better! If it makes you feel any better, I only got one comment on my blog this week. Oh well! No use taking these things personally; I think it's just one of those things. :)
This page is soooo cute! I love the bright colors! (BTW your work is always awesome!:)
LOL, that is definitely a POUT, and a great one at that. Love your layout and colors, grat page.
What a fabulous page! I love your scrapping! Your daughter is so cute.
Hope you week gets better.
Awwww.....and what a cute pout it is. :) Awesome page, Michele! Are you going to try out for the CK hall of fame contest this year? We should both go for it!
Love the shades, what a diva! LOL
GREAT LO, love those flowers.
Pretty page - I love your color choices. I love pouty faces - I have a pretty good one myself! :0)
what a pout!
What a great page - perfect way to capture something priceless!! :)
Great photo! She'll laugh at this onein years to come! Deb
Oh my! What an awesome page! Such fantastic pictures you captured...lol...and to scrapbook them is fantastic!
Really cute!!!
You asked me where I work. Im in the Swedish "Grundskola" in grade 7-9 and teach Swedish and English. But I have been teaching in grade 1-6 and in a help class before this.
Have a nice weekend!
Best wishes from Eva
What a great page! And that pout...why it's the cutest!
I wish pouting still worked for grown up girls!
Michele, you won my blog candy! kt
This is just precious, love it!!!
Great layout and fab photos. What a wonderful pout!
Oh, I'm sure Courtney is going to LOVE that picture as she gets older. Right now, probably not so much! She is such a beautiful girl, Michele. It must melt your heart when you look at her!
Oh funny :) She's gonna love ya showing that when she's older, lol. :) LOVE the letters that spell out 'pout'. Wish I had a die-cutter!! Happy Thanksgiving.
Well, consider yourself BLESSED!! :) I work with only one other person--a man, so I don't get the interaction with other women that I'd like :( Then I come home to kids and a hubby who wants his space and hardly talks at all :(( I Love your work, and I admire your character and your love of family etc. Keep up the good work!
what a cute face! this photo is so darling!
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