Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blog Candy again!

I had promised blog candy awhile ago and now I am FINALLY posting it! Sorry for the delay! I am offering Cuttlebug's die cuts, 3 Autumn Leave's stamps, 2 glass jars and a pack of white note cards. All you have to do is leave a comment telling me whatever is on your mind! That's it! I will pick a random winner on Saturday afternoon!

Edited: Had to delete previous post because a virus was left as the first comment! If you see Tygogal, DO NOT OPEN!!!! If you left a comment please leave another! :)


Kelly said...

Yummy candy!!! Not too much on my mind other then getting the darn car fixed!!

Anonymous said...

Dang - now viruses are on my mind (actually, colds, yucky!) Glad you were able to get rid of it! Thanks for the chance!!

Kerry Johnson said...

Such awesome blog candy! I'm thinking about the loads of laundry I need to do and the Easter treats I need to make! Thanks so much!

Tanis said...

Well, here I am again then!
Awesome candy, as I said before.
Grrr on the spammers.
Love love love the monkeys (still!)

Jan Scholl said...

where did you buy those monkey's stamps???If I don't win, I have to go looking for them!

Anonymous said...

Those monkey stamps are ADORABLE!! My daughter is very into monkeys right now so I guess I'm thinking of what I would create for her if I won your blog candy! {wink}

Thanks for the op at these super YUMMIES!!

Char in So Cal

Deb Wood said...

I'm thinkimg mean people suck!! Sorry to hear about the virus!!!Wow this is awesome candy, you are so generous. Thanks so much for a chance to win!! Keeping my fingers and my toes crossed till Saturday!

pescbrico said...

Wow, this is a great blog candy you are offering! :) You well deserve all you hits because you do great project! Thanks for sharing with us at blogland :)

Shannon Tompkins said...

I've been stamping for the last couple hours so the only thing on my mind is color combos.

Cheryl KVD said...

What a wonderful bunch of candy! Thanks for the warning about the virus - I'll keep an eye out!
Cheryl KVD

Pegg S said...

Great candy! Such cute things!! I love seeing your High Hopes stamp cards -- it makes me long for summer. I have a wish list and can't wait to see the new images they will release.

Karen said...

awesome candy! thanks for the opportunity :)

Jami Speidel said...

OMG!!! I need those monkeys! They are so cute!

Okay this is what I was just thinking about... As I was blog hopping tonight I was thinking how I wish I had time to actually sit down and create something! Anything!!! I miss stamping so much! I wish the semester was over and I wasn't "smothered" in homework and observation/clinical hours!!! Please God help me get through this semester! (Okay that might have been a little dramatic! ;)

Lester R.N. said...

On my mind is how the bank made a huge mistake and I am out a lot of money until it gets fixed and no paying bills or buying scrapbook goodies! Thanks for a chance to win goodies!

Allison Rankin said...

I won't bore you with my details...but this is some super candy! Have a good day Michele!

emilia in Taiwan said...

wow!! so generous of you! Can't wait! :D

Lorie said...

Great candy! Thanks for a fun blog!

Anonymous said...

Love your pug. I want one of those right along with your blog candy.


MelissaS said...

Such a great selection! Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the blog candy offer. I love my cuttlebug. Those are cute dies. You have a great site and I love the stamp company that you design for. On my mind--spring--please hurry and get here. darlene
djstamper2003 at yahoo. com

Jill said...

What awesome candy! Love your blog, too! thanks

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Wowzers...this is awesome blog candy. I could give my right arm for the win, but how would I use the Cuttlebug then???

Nancy said...

After having to get up at 5:30 this morning, I really should have gone to bed earlier than this.... sigh.... another late night. I *will* be tired tomorrow!

~amy~ said...

Fabulous Blog Candy :) Great Blog!!!

Kelly Schelske said...

Wow, I just found your blog and there's blog candy, how cool is that!!

Tracy said...

Great Candy!!! :) On my mind tonight - I need to get to bed! LOL Love your blog.

Unknown said...

Just working on Easter goodies for my son's class and preparing for Easter festivities! My question, ham or turkey? I always do both just in

Christina said...

Yummy blog candy!!!
Wow - I did not even know you could get a virus from comments?? I'm so dumb about those things.
I'm thinkin' about the stack of birthday cards I need to get busy making!!

Bloggy Mama said...

Ooohhh looks good. My random thought... I really need to get sewing my MIL's bday gift... eek, her bday is the 13th!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win the fabulous blog candy!! We have had a ridiculously busy week (therefore I am up in the wee morning hours trying to get some stuff done), so I guess what's on my mind is everything that I still need to get accomplished this week!

GiftsByHeidi said...

Oh that stinks that someone nasty left a virus. This is awesome blog candy! Love all your cards, it's been a few days since I stopped by to see your creations. They're all wonderful!

L.A. said...

Wow! Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful blog candy. I enjoy stopping by your blog to check out what you've been up have some really wonderful ideas!

Diane said...

It is 7:27 am and I'm thinking of making cards all day,well most of the day anyway!!! Thanks for the chance at your wonderful prize!!

Anonymous said...

Thinking right now that I would like my daughter's terrible cough to go away so she can get a decent night's sleep. Thanks for the op to win this great candy:)Linda L.

Anonymous said...

yummy candy, well right now I am debating in my mind...housework vs stamping, if I can just get myself off the computer I could quickly do the little bit of housework i need to do then I could stamp ALL DAY!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the warning about the virus. Darn people doing this to us!!! Great candy. Thank you.
Cheryl Sims

CreativeMish said...

WOw! the candy looks yummy! Love the little money stamps and the Cuttle bugs !

Anonymous said...

Lots of nice things there! Thanks for the chance...and for the heads up on the virus! Lisa K

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog candy......just got my Cuttlebug a couple weeks ago and I am loving it!!! Thanks for the chance!

Cindy C.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michele:

Love your cards and your pic of your pug, they are such lovable dogs we have two check them out at

JenMarie said...

Hi! This is amazing blog candy!!
Hmm, I'm thinking of the card challenges I want to get done today!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Wow...fabulous blog candy!

I'm thinking I really, really need to win this :) I just ordered a Cuttlebug !! It's due to arrive tomorrow ! I cannot wait! And, we love monkeys! I love those stamps...have never seen them anywhere !! We call my 11yr old DD Monkey...crazy about all things MOnkey!

Other than that... gotta get the house cleaned, cuz I have a dentist appt this afternoon and DD has pitching practice..gotta get homework done and showers taken... where does the time go?

Thanks so much for the chance at such a delightful giveaway!


Stampin Cats said...

Great blog candy!! Only thing on my mind right now is playing woth my new stuff and rubbah.

Anonymous said...

That is awful about the virus. Hope it didn't cause anything else bad to happen. I am always nervous about getting those. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful blog candy with us. I just love those cuttlebug dies. -Samantha

Christine said...

Thanks for the chance to win some awesome candy! I don't have any moneky stamps ............yet! :o)

Allison said...

Awesome blog candy! Not too much on the mind - food right now as I just got home from night shift!

Lori Mueller said...

OMGosh....I can say ANYTHING on my mind?!?! LOL! I NEED more time to stamp....I'm sitting in my office wishing I was at home stamping. I have several cards and gifts to alter before Friday. Thanks for some GREAT blog bling! I hope I win!

Stine66 said...

Just sitting - surfing around the world, to seek Scrapbooking inspiration. NICE page you have here.

Pam said...

Love the stamps and Cuddlebug stuff! I have a Cuddlebug and my collection of dies is still so small I would love to win. Thanks for the chance!

Primitive Seasons said...

Very nice blog candy. What's on my mind is getting samples made for upcoming workshops with SU!
Mary P.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what awesome candy! All I'm really thinking right now is that I would rather be stamping than at work...

Laura said...

Oh Michele, what WONDERFUL blog candy. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win it. Those monkey stamps are too cute. Hey, remember when you sent me all of that Cuttlebug embossed cardstock (way back)??? Well, for my birthday this past December, my Parents bought me a Cuttlebug....Woo, Hoo!!! I don't have any dies yet, just embossing folders. Oh, and sorry to hear about he virus.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the virus warning and the chance to win some wonderful goodies.

Scott Franson Photography said...

You have a wonderful blog! Happy Spring.

Elizabeth Wickland said...

I agree that a virus in the comments is EVIL! Not much on my mind... I'm tired and want to go to bed, LOL!

Amy said...

Oh, I love that monkey stamp and if I don't win I need to buy it! What am I thinking? Well, we are planning to put our house on the market and my questions for other bloggers is what do I keep out and what do I pack up to show the house? Oh, this is a conundrum!

Love you blog and I love your art!

Anita said...

OHMYGOSH, what great candy! I love my Cuttlebug and am always wanting new folders! I am also into glass storage jars - they look nice and you can see everything! Thanks for the opp!

Alex said...

Hi Michele - love the blog candy, those little monkeys are darling!! I am thinking that I would like to get rid of my sinus and ear infections so I feel like stampin!!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Jilly said...

`Love the blog candy. What am i thinking at the moment, well iam thinking have i got enough money to go and buy some nice crafting things from the craft show i am going to tomorrow

Rosella said...

What I think right now. Oh I wish I would win this great blog candy! I don't have any of those cute monkeys yet and would love to have those dies. And I wish my coffee was ready already.
Thank you for sharing such great candy!

Anonymous said...

How generous of you! I love the monkey stamp! Gotta love monkeys.


Anonymous said...

Blog Candy! Yum!! Thursday, my favorite day of the week and I can't stop thinking about what is going to happen on Survivor and Lost tonight. Humm....


Denise said...

Thanks for sharing your ideas, and for your generous blog candy you are giving away....hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Yum! Candy! Those monkeys are two cute...they remind me of my two little boys...always up to something!

Anonymous said...

Wow -- I think those monkeys are the cutest!!
I'm thinkin' I'm glad it's Thursday afternoon and my four-day work week is nearly over...

The_Dragons_Fire said...

Wow, that stuff looks amazing. And i just thought i'd share how great your card are.

April Hall said...

What YUMMY candy! Those AL stamps are so cute!!!!!!! On my mind right now is trying to get through the work week so I can look forward to cropping on Saturday!

Anonymous said...

How rotten to leave a virus in a comment. Anyway, what a great candy offering. You are too kind. It's a beautiful sunny day today and so nice for a change. Of course it isn't due to last as it might snow tonight but we will enjoy it for now. Have a terrific day. Linda Gray

Veronica Z said...

What amazing blog candy! Wow! Right now I am feeling happy that my baby boy is happy, full, and rested. Life is good!

Veronica Z said...

What amazing blog candy! Wow! Right now I am feeling happy that my baby boy is happy, full, and rested. Life is good!

Alison said...

Oh, those monkeys are the cutest! Great candy offer -- thanks so much. I'm off to check out the rest of your blog.

Rachel V. said...

Yummy yummy candy! On my mind? 21 mins to quitting time. That means I'm that much closer to getting home and getting back to stamping!! ROFL

mitchells2000 said...

I LOVE the little monkey stamps! Maybe one of these times I will actually WIN!!! I love your blog and cards! Thanks for sharing!

Erika M. said...

What cute stamps - I need to make some easter projects.

Unknown said...

Such great candy, yummy! I love the little jars and what you have done with them, great job.

Tami Grandi said...

I am thinking about the fact I'm going to visit my parents and my nephew for spring break! Great candy!

Anonymous said...

OO, blog candy, yum! Cute, cute...Love your blog! Thanks for the offer.

Addicted 2 Craft said...

Lots on my mind... but, as a regulat visitor to your blog from the merry land of Oz, I feel a little bit sad... what about you say....
The fact that USA has such great stamps and crafting supplies... o how I wish I was there....

The monkeys are just adorable.
Thanks for the opportunity to 'get it first' with your blog candy.
Your an inspiration!


C. Sage Deerborn said...

What is most on my mind is that I want my hand to heal fast from my surgery so I can stamp some more. lol

Anonymous said...

Talk about some awfully generous candy. This is so awesome. I am so ready for spring break.

Anonymous said...

Great blog candy!! I love those AL stamps.

Anonymous said...

Really great candy! Thanks for the chance.
Linda Peterson

ktstamps said...

OMG! That is great blog candy...hope I am not too late. This could take care of me for a few days! Thank you! kt

dasimonds said...

And very generous..Blog Candy!!
Those are such Adorable monkeys...
I would Love to WIN them!
I do have a lot on my mind....
and haven't been able to do much
stamping lately. My Dad has Alzheimer's and now has been admitted to the hospital with pheunomia.
So this is my relax time to visit the blogs and admire everyone's
Beautiful cards.
Take care.. and thanks for a chance to WIN.

Anonymous said...

Cute candy! I'm stressing over my boys fighting incessantly and need a break, but hey we homeschool! Oh well! Good news is the sun is shining - FINALLY!

Gayle said...

I got a virus in my email a couple of days ago too!! Luckily I was aqare of it before I opened it. There are a couple of them out there right now.
Great blog candy. I am loving those monkey stamps!!!

Jenifer Cowles said...

great stuff i want in :)

?? said...

found your blog when i google tygogal..
He has leaved å link in my blog and i was stuppid enough to open it. I really liked your blog and the things in it.
Have a nice weekend.
Big hug from Ellen from Norway.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up on the virus. What an awful thing for someone to do. Glad to see you were able to get rid of it. I'd love a chance to win your goodies.

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

love the candy! what cute monkey stamps. Scary about the virus post!

Christi Flores said...

Awesome candy! I am so sorry to hear about the virus. :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Michele,

I never could resist candy! Thanks for the 'thrill of possibility'. As for what's on my mind: laptops. The monitor on mine suddenly broke the other day. One minute it was up and the next minute Crack! it was laying flat on the table. Yikes! I can only hope the same thing doesn't happen to certain body parts as I age...

Charlene Austin said...

I had a good mail today and got 4 new stamp sets! What is on my mind is getting the basement development finished so I can actually use them and rescue my stuff from boxes!! Great candy!

Bobbi G said...

Hey Michele! that is exactly how my oldest spells her name...and we call her Chele! Don't see it spelled that way very often! I'm and official stalker now! Great cards by the way... :)

Anonymous said...

Very cool candy! I love that monkey stamp where did you find it?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. Thinking of your blog candy is enough to cheer me up. Just been to the craft store and didn't find any inspiration - should have checked your blog earlier!

Thanks - Susan W

Anonymous said...

I am thinking this is great candy and I am loving your blog and being on the DT with ya! Thanks for all the inspiration!

Tracy.H said...

How cute is this candy!??

All I am thinking of right now...The Twilight Series!! ;0)

ChrissyM said...

What yummy candy!!! Only thing on my mind is how I want to get over this cold I have and get my easter cards finished.

marcibun said...

Holy crow, I go away for a few days and I come back and you've got 102 comments? Crazy man!!!