I know it is so soon after Bruno....but we went to the shelter on a whim. (Word of advice....NEVER go to the shelter after you lose your dog....cuz you know you will bring one home!) We almost made it out of the shelter empty handed....until I spied this little guy. His cage said 8 mos. old. He was a stray. He is a miniature poodle/ Bichon mix. He had such a sweet disposition that Kyle asked if we could meet him in the "Meet and Greet" room. (Deadly!) Next thing we knew....we adopted him! This was how he came home....matted, mangy, dirty, and unkempt. We had to wait two weeks to get him groomed because he was neutered.

You probably want to know what his name is? Just keep in mind that Kyle named him.....
His name is Skippers. Not Skip or Skippy.....not even Skipper......Skippers with an s at the end. Don't ask..........
Have a great weekend!
He is adorable! I'm sure he'll bring lots of smiles to your family! :o)
Ohhh Michele, my condolences to you on your other puppy - but your Skippers is absolutely ADORABLE!!!!Enjoy your new treasured friend!
Your new little guy Skippers is a-dorable!!!!
precious!!!! Congrats on the addition to your family!
Ooh! He's adorable! So cute. Congratulations!
Aaaaw,,,what adorable pictures of my granddog. He is most handsome.
Skippers is so cute!! Enjoy the new addition! :0)
That is the best medicine ever. Who could have resisted this sweetie. Enjoy Skippers. (cute name).
What a Precious Baby!!! Skippers is just too cute for words. I went to the pound with my daughter and that is how we got Piper...One look and we just knew...she was the one...She is the bestest, smartest, most beautiful dog in the world (to me). I know you will enjoy Skippers...He is a lucky baby!
OMG, he is absolutely adorable - I can see why you brought him home, I wouldn't have been able to resist either. Congrats on the wonderful new edition to the family. :)
Skippers is absolutely adorable! You did good!
Oh i ma so sad about Bruno Michelle, but im glad that you and this adorable little guy found each other . Hugs to you girl !!
Jenn :)
Skippers is adorable Chele! Congratulations on the new addition to your family.
OMGosh, he is SO CUTE!!!!!
He'll be fluffy in no time! LOL!
Enjoy him! Congrats!
OMGoodness Michelle - I gasped when I saw how cute he is with his haircut - that face and those eyes . ..!! So adorable!! When you are dog people you just cannot be without one! Congrats! :)
He is adorable!! Enjoy!
Skippers is so cute!! Congratulations on the addition!!
Holy Hanna is he ever adorable. He's so lucky to be brought home by you! He will have a great life for sure!
I love your dog. We did the same thing within a month of the loss of our 16 year old dog. We went to the shelter, "just to check it out and see how it works in this county". Ha! Your dog is especially cute groomed. You can see his sweet face better.
I am also a card making scrapbooker, and I need to get caught up on my scrapbooking. Yeah, I always say that.
Well...Skippers is ADORABLE!!!
I'm sure that he will bring
you much enjoyment :)
I am so sorry about the loss of Bruno but what you did was a good thing! I wish I had the resources to adopt more animals!
Skippers must think he is so lucky! Well he is and so are you! Deb
Ooooh - I love Skippers! I have a bichon (budye)who looks a lot like your before photo! I just keep brushing him to remove the mats in his hair, I don't know how they get so many -- High maintenance dogs! But wouldn't trade for anything....
oh my goodness!! Michelle, he is just adorable!!!! I love him, hug him for me :) x
Oh Skippers is adorable. Love his new hair do, doesn't he look different! Bless him. Our little puppy could do with a trim at the groomers I keep doing his fringe but I think he could do with an all over trim by someone who knows what they are doing. Hope our Max looks as cute when he's been. Lol!
Oh Skippers is adorable. Love his new hair do, doesn't he look different! Bless him. Our little puppy could do with a trim at the groomers I keep doing his fringe but I think he could do with an all over trim by someone who knows what they are doing. Hope our Max looks as cute when he's been. Lol!
Skippers is too too cute! What a face! Have fun!
Nice to meet u Skippers... get ready to be scrapbooked! :)
oh he's sweet! I love his name!
I would have walked out with him too! how very sweet and adorable - give Skippers a hug for me!!
I love Skippers!! OMG...he is the cutest!
GAH!! Doggy love!!!
He's so sweet and adorable looking! I can see how you couldn't walk out of there without hiM!
Awww. I am so sorry to hear that you lost your Bruno. I lost my Mog. They're like people, no one else can replace them in your heart. But I'm happy for you that you got SkipperS. He's SOOOOOOOOooooo cute. :O)
Wow Skippers is aorable! We have get recently adopted a kitten and believe it or not My 10 yr old daughter named her Marsha.... Kids like the funniest names.
Skippers is soooooooo cute and I know he will bring plenty of your into your lives!!
OMG!! He is too cute!!!
This little guy will be the best puppy. I've had 2 Bichon Frieze, a male & female and now have a Bichon Havanese. The Bichon part of your puppy will keep you entertained with his antics and they are so smart, too. Jackie/Oregon
This little guy will be the best puppy. I've had 2 Bichon Frieze, a male & female and now have a Bichon Havanese. The Bichon part of your puppy will keep you entertained with his antics and they are so smart, too. Jackie/Oregon
We love our bichon. Welcome to the world of sweet doggies!
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