Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2 Cartridges to Give Away!

Good morning! Provo Craft has generously donated two awesome cartridges to give away!That means YOU have a chance to win ONE of these fabulous cartridges! I will pick a winner for each one! Since I realize that not everyone has an Imagine machine, you can leave a comment stating which cartridge you would like more! I would love for you to become a follower, but it is certainly not necessary! If you link back to me on your blog letting others know about my blog candy I will throw your name in the "hat" (so to speak) for a another chance to win!

The first cartridge is called, "Everyday Pop-Up Cards." It has the best images! I adore this cartridge!
See? Cute right?

And for all of you Imagine owners, here is "Enjoy the Seasons." I love that this cartridge is so versatile!

Please remember to state which cartridge you like more! ; ) I will pick TWO winners on Saturday, May 14th at 8:00 AM.

Thank you sooooooo much for visiting me daily and leaving such kind words for me! It really does mean a lot to me! HUGS!


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Kathybeegolf said...

Me first!!!! I would love the Imagine cart, Enjoy the Season. Please register me. Love your blog and your creativity.

amr3mommy said...

I would love to have the Enjoy the Seasons cart. It really is adorable!

Ohhh Snap said...

I would love to win the Enjoy the Seasons cart! Thanks for the chance to win such lovely blog candy :D.

Liz said...

I would love to win Everyday Pop Up Cards....the Enjoy the season cartridge is awesome (was able to recently score that one!)...

Thanks for the chance to win and I linked it to my blog as well....

Cheryl said...

I would love the Everyday Pop Up Cards cart! Looks so fun! Thank you for the chance to win.

Happy Crafter said...

this is my first visit to your blog. I would love to have either of these. Thank you for the chance to win.

Karmin said...

Thanks for this great chance! I would love to try my hand at some pop up cards. I just started making my own cards this would really inspire me. Thanks again!

owlbescrappin said...

I would love the chance to win either cart. Although Everyday pop up is one of my new faves. Thanks for the chance to win

quiltofhopem at aol dot com

JenL said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I would love either cartridge, they both look great. I will link this to my blog later this morning. :)

Sharon-The OKI StampQueen said...

Gotta be the Cricut! I don't have many to play with as I am just beginning-so it would be a great addition to my stash! And anything with POP UP in the name HAS to be awesome (afterall, I am also the queen of POP DOTS! Lol!) Thanks! Blessings, Sharon

Houses Built of Cards said...

How awesome is that?!?!?! I don't have an Imagine...so I would LOVE Everyday Pop Up cards!!! Thanks for the chance to win it!!!


Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

I don't have an Imagine, so I'd definitely prefer the pop up cards. I've had that on my wish list!! Awesome!

chrissy o said...

would love the enjoy the seasons cart thanks for a chance to win
hugs chrissy o

bandit said...

I would love Enjoy the Seasons. Thanks for the giveaway.

tonka50 said...

I would like the Everyday Pop up cards. Thanks for the chance to win.

Hearts Turned said...

Oh, how fun, Michele! I JUST finally got an Expression--should be delivered today!!! I would love "Pop-Up Cards"--what fabulous images!

Thanks for such a lovely chance to win!

Hope your day is wonderful...


Trinity said...

I would love Enjoy the Seasons...it looks like it would be so fun to play with. I got everyday pop-up cards when it first came out and I think that I'm finally getting the hang of it.
Thanks for the chance to win

I also linked you to my blog


Helen said...

Fun! I'd love to win the Imagine cartridge since I have an E2 now :) It would be fun to try out!! (I just got Everyday Pop Up on Sunday).

Thanks for the chance to win!!

The Miners said...

Love the Everyday Pop-Up cartridge! All your projects are awesome!

Dawn M.

Linda said...

Your designs are simply beautiful. I would love the Everyday Pop-Up Cards.

Aimee said...

I would really love the Everyday Pop-Up cards! Thanks so much for hte chance to win!!

jjlarson said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I have both machines and neither cartridge so either one would be a welcome addition to my collection. Love all of your great projects!
Jami Larson

Julie Ann said...

What amazing blog candy again. I follow your blog every day and just love it and your ideas. I would like the Every Day pop up cards. Thanks Again.

Aimee said...

*the* chance ;)

I posted about your giveaway on my blog too!


Beth said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I don't have an Imagine so I would prefer the Everyday Pop Up Cards!!

Amy said...

Thanks for the chance! I would LOVE Everyday Pop Up Cards! :-)

MischievousFox said...

Great giveaway! I've been enjoying your blog for some time!(Plus the Circle Blog and Magazine!!!) I'd love to get Enjoy the Seasons! It does look like a fun cart to play with! Thanks for the chance to win!

Christie (SingandScrap) said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'm new to your blog but will be back! I have both machines so would love to have either one!

Anonymous said...

I would love the Everyday Pop-up Cards cartridge. Thanks for the giveaway. I'm a follower.


Susie said...

I have a Cricut machine - will that work? If so, since I only have one cartridge, I would love one of these.

Scrappydoo2 said...

I love your blog! I check it often. I don't have a blog to link to. :-( Thank you for doing this give away. Hopefully, you will PICK ME!!!!!!!!! I'd take either cart. I don't have an imagine but I am gettin an E2 and I can use it there!!! I think the pop up one would be cool though.

Naomi said...

Love the blog...thanks for sharing your talent. I love Enjoy the Seasons CI cartridge...so versatile!

Gina piazza said...

Thanks for this chance. I would love the Enjoy the Seasons cart. Love your blog!

Josie0602 said...

I would love to win Everyday Pop Up Cards. Thanks for the chance to win it!
jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net

Dora said...

I love the Imagine Cartridge, Enjoy the Seasons. Thank You!

Josie0602 said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog


Jingle said...

Wow! What a GREAT giveaway! I would love Every Day Pop Up Cards! The images are SOOOOO cute!

karen said...

Well, since I just got off the phone with Joann after attempting to buy Everyday Pop-Up cards, and being unsucessful, I have to say that's the cartridge I would LOVE to win!!!!
Thank you for the opportunity!

Gracie's Blog said...

Wow... You have a very nice blog!! This is an awesome giveaway. I would love to throw my name in the hat too. If I would be so lucky, I would like the Enjoy the Seasons cart, that would be perfect with my little girl. I will link you in my blog.

bird said...

I would love the Everyday pop up cart. Thanks for giving us a chance to win and I love all your projects....:)

Mrs. Green said...

Hi! I would love to win Enjoy the Seasons! Thanks Michele (btw, that's the ONLY way to spell Michele, I would know :P)

michelegreen120 at gmail dot com

Shari Z said...

Would love to win Enjoy the Seasons. Thanks for the chance to win. It seems to be the most popular cart between the two.

Jana said...

Everyday pop-up Cards is my favorite!
Thanks for the chance to win it.
terpstra1 at aol dot com

Mary said...

I would be sooooo happy with either one of these cartridges! Thanks for sharing them with us.

Heather said...

Oh I would love to win Everyday Pop up cards!! Thanks for the chance to win!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

Linda Harris said...

I would love the Enjoy the seasons cartridge to build up my Imagine Library. Either one would be great. Thanks for the chance.

Jessica Wekenman said...

How awesome of you and Provo Craft to offer such an amazing giveaway! I would love to win the Everyday Pop-ups, you're right, the images are amazing! Thank you so much for the chance!

Mary said...

I would love to win the Everyday Pop up cards. Thanks for the chance to win!

stockg7 at yahoo dot com

tomles82 said...

Wow!! thanks for the chance to win these! I don't have either.I would love either one!

Kris said...

I would LOVE the Imagine cart! Thanks for a chance to win. Your projects always inspire me.

Jane said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. I would like a chance to win the Everyday Pop Up cart.

blurobin said...

Wow!! What a great giveaway! I would LOVE to have "Enjoy the Seasons" cart! Thank You!!

Ashleigh said...

OMG I would love to win either of them. Thank you and thanks to PC. Good luck all!

Jamie said...

I would love to win either one!! I do have an imagine and not that many imagine carts so I would love "Enjoy the Seasons" just a little more:) Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win one of these carts, I only have the Cricut Create so the everyday cart is my fave, this looks like an awesome cart, with so many possiblities.
Melissa D

Emily said...

Wow! Thanks for the great giveaway. I have both machines and love/want both of these carts, but since I went to buy the Everyday Pop Ups this weekend and couldn't find it I will say I want that one more!

Emily (coolcricutcreations at yahoo dot com)

Regina said...

I really like the Pop Up cart. I love getting pop up cards and think this would be a fun cart to use for the cards I make for others. Lots of cute images on it.

Sharla said...

I posted your giveaway on my blog!! Great blog candy!

Sharla said...

Oh..and I like the Pop Up Cards, as I don't have the imagine, and I became a follower!!!

jenny said...

I would love Everyday Pop-Up Cards. Thank you for the chance to win it.


Cindy@ Scrap-obsessed.blogspot.com said...

Wow, that is so awesome of you. I would love to win the Seasons Imagine cartridge since I'm just starting out with my Imagine, but I don't have the other cartridge either, so I would be happy either way. Thank you for always sharing with us.

Patty Mc said...

Would love the Imagine "Enjoy the Seasons" cartridge!
Thank you sooo much for the chance to win! It's always exciting to see who the winner is....
Love your blog!


jeannine said...

I truly admire all of your work and creativity! Thanks for a chance to win, I love the Imagine cartridge with all the Seasons, such fun images!

Kristin said...

I would love the Imagine Cartridge. Wow I would be so lucky if I won:)

Tigerrlyli said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I only have an expression right now so the pop up card would be my preference. I love your blog. Thanks for the inspiration.

Linda said...

I would love to win Everyday Pop Up Cards....Thanks for the chance to win!


Jan said...

Wow! Thanks for the chance to win one of these great cartridges! I would really love either one, but my first choice would be Enjoy the Seasons! I am loving my Imagine morea and more, and the images on this cart is so cute!

Thanks again.


Melissa said...

Wow, Provo Craft was very generous!! I am now your newest follower, and I do not have an imagine so I would love the have the regular cricut cartridge!

Thanks so much for the chance to win!

mzcherub2009 at att dot net

nanapuddin said...

Wow! Awesome prizes! I have an Imagine and would love to win the Enjoy! But would love the EVeryday pop-up too! Thanks for the chance to win! I'm now a follower!
nanapuddin at wildblue dot net

Lisa said...

I would love to win Every Day Pop-Up Cards! The Enjoy the Seasons cart is so gorgeous...I wish I had an Imagine. Thanks so much for a chance to win...I'm a new follower and I added your giveaway to my sidebar :)


Simply Sassy Scrapper said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win! I would love the Enjoy the Seasons Cartridge! I added your link to my blog!


Muse in Bloom - Sue said...

Wow! Cricut is really coming out with some terrific new cartridges. I love the Everyday Pop Up Cards as it has everything from baby to nature to holidays. Such a great variety of things you could make with it.

Thanks for the opportunity to win and good luck to everyone!

Do Be Do Bead Do said...

I would love the pop up card cartridge. So cute! I am a follower!

scrapperbecka said...

WOW! Great giveaway. I would love the imagine cart but would like any of the two, I'm not picky.

Maureen Reiss said...

I would love to win Everyday Pop Up Cards!!! Thanks sooo much for the chance to win
reissfam10 at aol dot com

Faith Abigail Designs said...

Been a follower for a while and I love your blog! I would prefer the Pop-Up cartridge as I do not have an Imagine. Thanks for the chance to win!

Carol W. said...

Provo Craft is one generous company. I would love love to win Everyday Pop Up. Thank you so very much for the chance to win.

Jamie (Cricutly Spoiled) said...

I have been dying to get my hands on Enjoy the Seasons since the launch of the Imagine! I love holiday related images!!!! Thank you for the chance to win!

Beth said...

I don't get to your blog as often as I would like, even thought it's one of my favorites. Thanks for the chance to win. The Imagine Cart would be great!

bonnie said...

How wonderful!!! I absolutely love the look of Everyday Pop-up cards...how super fun is that!!! My fingers are crossed!!! :) Hugs x

Wendy said...

I would love to win the Everyday Pop Up Cards :). Thanks for the chance to win!

Sandy said...

I would love a chance to win!
I have been drooling over the Enjoy the Seasons since it came out! I would love that one. But I won't be picky if I am lucky enough to win.

Thanks so much!

Kristina said...

I happened upon your blog today and instantly becaome a follower. Love your cards. Very inspiring.

I would not be disappointed if I won the Everyday Pop Up Cards. :)

Going back to snooping some more on your blog. *grin*

Unknown said...

this is my first visit to your blog. I would love to have either of these. Thank you for the chance to win.I have never won anything before...

jlzmom said...

Wow! Thanks for the offer. This is the first time I've seen you blog and I became a follower! I would love the imagine cart, but either would be wonderful!! ~JJ

Brenda said...

Awesome giveaway!! Both are great cartridges so, I would love to win either one. Thank you for the chance to win!!

Leslie said...

New follower here!! Thanks PC and you for your blog! I like the Enjoy the Seasons cart better. I love my imagine!

Nana Donna said...

Thanks for the chance to win, I don't have an Imagine so I would love to win the Everyday Pop Up Cards.

Melissa said...

Wow that is nice of PC and you to share these with us. I am an Everyday Pop Up Cards fan and would love to add this to my collection. PS I enjoyed the peek at your craft room at the circle. :)

Esther said...

Wonderful give-away! I would love Everyday Pop Up Cards since I don't have an Imagine.
Big fan of your work! :-)

Penny said...

I love your blog and look at it frequently. I would choose Everydat Pop Up. They are both great, but since I don't have the Imagine, I think I would get more use from the Everyday Pop Up Cartridge

CottageRose said...

Oooh...I would love Everyday Pop Up Cards cart! Thx
Deb, qoq_1@hotmail.com

Crazy Cricut Lady said...

Love your blog and try to check atleast once a week :-) Love the Everyday Pop Up cards Cartridge and its definitely on my wish list.

Margi said...

Thank you for this giveaway. I love your blog and your projects are so gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work with us. My favorie cartridge is Everyday Pop up cards. Thanks again

Colleen B. said...

I'm new to your blog today and I would love to win either of these. Yay for a great and fun giveaway.

Sandie Oxley said...

Wow..would love the Enjoy the Seasons Imagine cart. Thanks for the chance to win such a great gift.

Anonymous said...

I have been wanting Enjoy the Season ever since I first saw it. I am now a follower! I am looking forward to visiting your blog. Thanks
Sharon (scrappyone)

MiliPea Designs said...

How very generous of you! I love the Everyday Pop Up Cartridge and what a great chance at a give away!

mga said...

I would love to win Enjoy the Seasons cart! Your blog is fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win...

I'm crossing my fingers this time I never win...

Lauren Bowser said...

I would love to have Everyday Pop Up Cards. Thanks for the chance to win. I love your blog.

Michele said...

Thank you! I would love either, but really would like Enjoy the Seasons. Also, I'm a follower!

Cely said...

Everyday Pop Up Cards!!! I don't have an Imagine machine, but even so, this cart was on my wish list! So many super cute cuts!


Alanna said...

I'd love to win the Everyday Pop-up Cards cartridge. Thanks for the chance to win.

terri142 said...

I would love to win Everyday Pop-Up Cards. Thanks so much for the chance. I am now following your blog and looking forward to visiting often.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

Sole` said...

I love the pop up cards cartridge. I have the Imagine so either would be wonderful. Thanks for all your inspiration!

Katrina Hunt said...

oh how fun of a giveaway is this?!!!

I would love the Everyday Pop Up Cards cart......would like the Enjoy the Seasons...BUT....since I don't have an Imagine it would be a little hard to use!!!!!

hugs, Katrina

Liz said...

I bought an Imagine machine and it sat in the box for a good month or so before I opened it. Whoa Nellie, if I'd only known how cool it is and how cool the cartridges are, I would have been in that box instantly on arrival. Love the Seasons cartridge the best. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

littlen said...

Since I don't have an Imagine or the E2 my pick would be Everyday Pop Up Cards. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the Everyday Pop Up Cards.
I really enjoy your blog and reading about your family. It is always so uplifting!

Brenda said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I am a follower of your blog. I would like Everyday Pop-Up Cards since I do not have the Imagine.

Beebeebabs said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I would love to win Every Day pop up thanks again!!

Unknown said...

This is such an awesome give away, thank you! I am trying to build up my Imagine library so I waould love to win the Enjoy the Season :)
Thank you,

Sherry Vanicek said...

Hello, my Circle Sister. I really enjoyed meeting you and watching you work your magic with the Copic pens at the crop. Wow!! You've inspired me to start stamping. Looking forward to the next one. As far as the carts go, please enter me in for the Everyday Pop Up. Keep crafting!!!

Sherry Vanicek said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Becky Moore said...

I'd luv to win the Everday Pop Up Cards cartridge. Thanks for offering this giveaway. I'm off to spread the word on my blog.


carpediem said...

The pop up cart images look awesome! Thanks for offering the giveaway! laura j

Brandy said...

I would love either cartridge, but since I just ordered an Imagine (yay!), I would prefer the Enjoy the Seasons. Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Kelly Massman said...

I'm already a follower! I love the Everyday Pop-Up Cards--don't have an imagine!!!
Thanks for a chance to win it!

Manhattan Mandie said...

OMG! I want Enjoy the Seasons SOOOO bad!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

JaniceA said...

I would love to win Enjoy the Seasons cart. Thank you for the give away.

I linked it to my blog.

Jamie said...

I would say the Pop Up Card cart. Glad I found your blog! :)

Unknown said...

I'm already a follower and would LOVE Everyday Pop-Ups! Thanks for the chance to win!|
teachem949atyahoo dot com

SweetSassyDiva said...

Oh I'd love the pop up cart! Actually I'd love to win either. :) Tfs

Jodie R said...

Wow! Thanks to you and Provo Craft! Awesome give away! I have been wanting Everyday Pop Up Cards since it came out. The managers at all my near by M's thinks I am stalking them now. Thanks again Michele!

Kymberlee - The Mama Midwife said...

WOw a giveaway for a cart I don't have! Enter me for the Everyday Pop Up cartridge.
I think the Enjoy the Seasons cartridge is my favorite Imagine cartridge.
Thanks for doing this and keep those pics and layouts of your family coming. I enjoy seeing them. I especially loved Cort's prom, so sweet.

Colleen said...

Thank U 4 this Great opportunity.
Would luv 2 have 'Enjoy the Seasons' cartridge.
Thank U once again.

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

thanks for the chance - that pop-up one sounds fabulous!

Anonymous said...

i would Love the Enjoy the seasons Imagine cart..so many great images ..thanks for the chance to win this...it would be so great !!!!

chris said...

I love the Imagine "enjoy the seasons" cart! I can Imagine all the things I could create with it! Awesome give away and thanks for the chance to win!

The Scrappin Diva said...

Good morning, I would like the imagine cart...thanks for the chance
fasloan at yahoo dot com

~Tammy~ said...

I would love a chance at Everyday Pop-Up Cards." Of course I Love your blog!

Have to Craft said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I would love the Pop Up cards cartridge!

jcinokc said...

I would love to win the pop up card cart. Thanks for the chance to win!

jenlovcarr at aol dot com

neddgirl said...

Awesome giveaway....If selected, I choose "Everyday Pop-Up Cards." Thank you and thank you Provo Craft.


Vicki G said...

Oh my word! What a great giveaway! I've been a follower for quite sometime. I don't have an imagine machine, but love my cricut!Thanks so much!


Megan H. said...

I love your blog and all your projects are wonderful. I would love to win the Everyday Pop Up Cards as I only have an Expression.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Megan H.
mhcards at embarqmail dot com

Audrey Is said...

I absolutley love both cartridges and can't decide which one I would prefer. So, if I win, I will leave that decision to you. Thank ayou to you and the company for being so generous.

rhonda said...

Enjoy the Seasons would be my pick Michelle and thanks for the chance to win it! Fingers and toes crossed!

RockinRenee said...

Thanks for the opportunity to pick up these great carts! I would love either, but my first pick would be Enjoy the seasons.

I linked your site to my blog as well! =)

Gail said...

I would the enjoy the season...imagine cartridge. Nice blog. tacyn@comcast.net

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

I would love the Everyday Pop Up Cards. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Vickie_M said...

Thanks for a chance to win. I would love to have the Enjoy the Seasons cart.

Anonymous said...

How fun! I would enjoy the Every Day Pop Ups : ) Thanks for the chance to play!

Diane said...

I would love to win the Enjoy the Seasons cartridge - it is one of my favorite Imagine cartridges and I don't have it yet. I don't have Everyday Pop-up Cards either but Enjoy the Seasons is my favorite of the two.

Thanks so much for all the inspiration you provide and for the chance to win!

Lezlye said...

I would LOVE the Enjoy the season's cartridge! Love your designs!

Mi Mi said...

Every day pop up is my favorite. Thanks for the chance to enter.

flapril said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I have an expression and would love to win the pop up cards cartridge. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent.


LadybugCarrie said...

I would LOVE to win the Everyday Pop Up Cards cartridge. I have had my eye on this cartridge - there are so many cute images on it! Thanks for the chance to win! :-)

Sonya said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I would enjoy the Pop Up Cards cart--So glad I found your blog!!

Katie F. said...

I LOVE the pop-up cartridge best!

R. Dorrian6 said...

I'd love to win the Everyday Pop Up cart. I added it to my wish list the second it came out. (crossing my fingers) Thanks for the chance to win. Love your blog and follow you in google reader.

Carissa said...

I would love to win the Everyday Pop Up cards. I have been drooling over that one for awhile.
Love your blog.
carilee5 at hotmail.com

Susan said...

Thanks for doing this fantastic blog candy contest! I would have to pick Everyday Pop Up, it looks fun! I'm a new follower and am looking forward to checking out your work!


tblue said...

Everyday Pop Up Cards would be my choice! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!!


Virginia E ~ Handmade with ♥ said...

I love your blog! I actually just found it and positively love it! Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful products! If I can be entered into your wonderful drawing I would like to recieve the first one. Thanks!

Virginia E ~ Handmade with ♥ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Virginia E ~ Handmade with ♥ said...

Hello again, I posted a blog about your blog and included your link.

Thanks again!


Noelle P said...

Ohh how I'd love to win Enjoy the Seasons.

Amy Johnson said...

Oh wow! another chance to win a Cricut Cartridge! I would love to win the Pop up card cartridge! That is so neat. I've never seen that cartridge before!

Cassandra said...

I don't have either cart, but if I got to choose...I would choose Enjoy the Seasons...still learning all the ins and outs of my new Imagine...thx for the opportunity.


Valerie's HeART said...

I do not have the imagine but I would love the Pop up cards. I am a follower and a fan.

Melissa said...

I would be happy with either since I just got my E2 and it takes Imagine carts, but I would LOVE to win the Everyday Pop Up Cards!

Thanks for sharing with us!!!


jperr said...

i love the everyday pop ups.Thanks for the chance to win.
PS I,m an email follower

Linda E said...

Love Everyday Pop Up cards! Thanks for the chance.

Stacy Simpson said...

OOOHHH! I would love the Everyday Pop Up Cards cart! Love your blog.

Bunnyfreak said...

Would love to win Everyday Pop Up. It looks awesome.

Mary said...

I like them both....but what to choose? I pick, Every Day Pop Up Cards.... Thanks so much for a chance to win.....and more than that....thanks for inspiring me.

Bonnie said...

I would love the Everyday Pop Up Cards...the other one looks cute too, but alas don't have the Imagine. Love your blog and thanks for a chance to win.

Heather said...

I love the pop up cartridge! It looks really versatile! (Plus I don't have an Imagine.) I don't comment much, but I do follow your blog and love all your cute cards. Thanks for sharing them!

Diane Hodrick said...

I love them both...but since I know my Imagine is capable of doing more than I can do with it, I'd choose Enjoy the Seasons. I'm going to master that baby yet. Love your creations. Thanks for the chance to win!

Jodi said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win a great prize... I would love the PopUp Card one! Love checking in on your blog to see what you've been up to. Very nice work!

Angie Smith said...

I have been following your blog for a long time and I love it!!!! I would love to win the Imagine Enjoy the Season cart to add to my collection. I love blog candy!!!


Sheila said...

I am a new follower. I would love it if you would follow me also. Thanks for giveaway.

I would love a chance to win Everyday Pop Up Cards. I do have an Imagine yet, but maybe soon.


Virginia E ~ Handmade with ♥ said...

Hello again, I posted a blog about your blog and included your link.

Thanks again!


You can reach me at vaeaton@live.com
Thanks again for the chance to win that amazing everday pop up cartridge!

ScrappyMama said...

Thanks for the chance to win one of these great carts!!! I just got Enjoy the Seasons (it is an awesome cart!!) so I would prefer to have the Everyday Pop Up cart...I've got my fingers crossed!!! I would absolutely share a link for you on my blog, but, I don't have a blog. Yet...maybe someday :)

TwoCraftyKitties said...

Thank you for this opportunity to win a cartridge! :-) I would love to win Enjoy the Seasons. It's such a cute cartridge!

wendyp said...

I don't have an Imagine yet so I would LOVE the Everyday Pop Up Cards!!! that robot image on the cart is so darn CUTE!


I only have the Expression,if I win...cross my finger I LOVE this Cartridge"Everyday Pop-Up Cards"...I'm a NEW follower.. Follow you on the Crciut cirle Blog..I have blog candy you can win
Become a follower today
Rebecca Minor

Flair Girl said...

Your creations are ALWAYS stunning Michele! Thank you for your generosity! MWAH ~Brynn


Flair Girl said...

P.S. I suppose if I HAD to choose it would be the Imagine cartridge-stocking up for when I GET ONE! :D

Jeanine said...

I would love the imagine enjoy the season cart. I just got my imagine so trying to build up my cartridge list lol
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
& you are awesome I just saw the layout you made love it and she looks beautiful!!!

Rita said...

Everyday Pop up Cards would be my choice.

Rita Poteat

butcher_lisa said...

I love the Imagine Enjoys the seasons. Thank you for the chance at winning this cart!

Lisa said...

I just recently found your blog - love all of your cards!
The Everyday Pop Up Cards looks really cute - would love to win it!

Mom of 2 Monsters said...

I would love to win Everyday Pop Up Cards. Already a follower. Thanks for the chance.

Lorri W. said...

I really enjoy visiting your blog...your creations are beautiful! I would love to win Everyday Popups...Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Sue from Oregon said...

oh how fun! I am already a follower, have linked your candy on my blog. I would love the Pop up cart, looks very interesting!

Pam Speidel said...

Happy Hi Michele! I just recently got a Cricut machine and would *love* to win the Pop Up Card cartridge! Sweet! ♥ Are you counting the days until summer vacation? silly question! ;)

Jamie said...

I would love them both!! But I have very few imagine carts so that would be my #1 pick. Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!

Kris said...

I would love to win Enjoy The seasons. Your projects laways inspire me!

salleys said...

Just found your blog! What a treasure and what a generoud giveaway!

Donna said...

I don't have an Imagine so I would love the Everyday Pop up. Thanks so much for the chance to win! Really appreciate all you do.

Beverley said...

Me, me, me, me.......please pick me for the Pop Up Cards cart! I love it and you for offering it!
Thanks for your generosity.

Unknown said...

Wow I have been wanting Everyday pop up cards since it came out would love to win! I have your post linked to my blog as well! Thanks so much for the chance to win this awesome cart!
Denise in WA

Kris Dietz said...

I'm a new follower. I love your blog. :)

Thanks for a chance to win one of these great cartridges. I've been looking for the Enjoy the Season -- so hard to find - just got an Imagine this week. Thank you again.

dietzrobles at yahoo dot com

thekolbes said...

Ohh wow, what an awesome giveaway. I would love the pop up cards. I am a new follower
krazykcrafters at msn dot com

Sharon Nichols said...

This is my first visit to your blog. I love what I'm seeing & will add your page to my bookmarks. Nice of Provo Craft to donate the cartridges. I just got my cricut expression 2 months ago, so the Everyday Pop-up Cards would be wonderful to use. Thanks for hosting this. Will be back to get inspired by your work.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michele,
I love all the texture you added to your card! And thanks for a chance to win one of two GREAT cartridges! I don't have an Imagine (yet lol) so would prefer the Everyday Pop-Up Cards but, since I hope to get an Imagine by Christmas that would be OK too!
Good Luck to everyone else too!
Effie aka Gramafroggy

Unknown said...

How exciting!!! I would love to win the Every Day Pop up card cartridge. The other is great too but I don't have an Imagine so not sure I can use it. Thanks so much for this chance to win

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the Pop-Up cartridge. I can see so many cards. Thank you for the chance to win.


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