Saturday, May 14, 2011

Will Extend Blog Candy ONE More Day!

Since Blogger decided to be a big ole' booger the other day and deleted many of my comments AND wouldn't allow people to LEAVE a comment, I have decided to extend my blog candy until tomorrow! Be sure to click HERE or scroll down to leave a comment! I will pick two winners at 8:00 AM tomorrow! Remember, if you link up my blog, you have an additional chance to win! : ) Good luck!!!


Hearts Turned said...

Wasn't Blogger a stinker?! I lost comments too--but I wasn't having a giveaway! That's so sad! At least we didn't lose past posts--I was afraid that would happen!

Excited to see who the winner is...(secretly hope it's me!'s not a secret anymore!)

Hope your weekend is wonderful, Michele!


bonnie said...

Yes so glad blogger is working now even if we are short of a few comments....nevermind! Have a great weekend sweetie :) Hugs x

Anonymous said...

Blogger was getting on my last nerve yesterday. So glad it's back up and running.

Regina said...

So gald you are giving a second chance to win some blog candy. Hope Blogger behaves!

littlen said...

thanks for the second chance. it was very frustrating to have blogger down for such a long time.

Cely said...

They were a big booger! LOL! Can't wait to see the winners!

Kris Dietz said...

Thanks for the second chance to post. Blogger was a little bit of a pain but hopefully all is fixed now.

dietzrobles at yahoo dot com

Carla's Cards said...

I love all my cricut carts and so does my best friend...I would love to give her the pop up one!

Anonymous said...

So sweet of U 2 give a second chance. As they say; there's a reason 4 everything.
Best of luck 2 everyone.

Kristi said...

I noticed blogger being all silly a few days ago when I couldn't leave a comment elsewhere. Thanks for the giveaway and extension, how SWEET!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend, hopefully doing something craft, as for me I will be studying, less than 30 days, I can do it! lol

kidshomelove at yahoo. com

Debbie said...

Sounds like Blogger was causing a huge problem for people.

jmeyer1 AT woh DOT rr DOT com

tblue said...

Pop up cards seem to be all the rage! Would love to try out this cartridge. Thanks for the re-do!