Blog Candy now Closed
I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Weekend! I am getting ready to attend a wedding tonight and am enjoying our hot sunny weather here! I have lots to share with you this upcoming week but thought I'd like to make someone's day first! I have a whole lotta stuff to give to ONE very lucky person! All you need to do is tell me about the most amazing person in your life. Tell me why they are so fabulous! To be entered twice, just "advertise" my blog candy on your blog, OR place my badge on your blog. Come back here and tell me you did so, and you are automatically entered to win twice! That's it! Easy peasy! The giveaway will end tomorrow night (Memorial Day) at 10 PM CST. : ) Have a great rest of your weekend!
I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Weekend! I am getting ready to attend a wedding tonight and am enjoying our hot sunny weather here! I have lots to share with you this upcoming week but thought I'd like to make someone's day first! I have a whole lotta stuff to give to ONE very lucky person! All you need to do is tell me about the most amazing person in your life. Tell me why they are so fabulous! To be entered twice, just "advertise" my blog candy on your blog, OR place my badge on your blog. Come back here and tell me you did so, and you are automatically entered to win twice! That's it! Easy peasy! The giveaway will end tomorrow night (Memorial Day) at 10 PM CST. : ) Have a great rest of your weekend!

The most amazing person that was in my life was my grandfather! He was always a joy to talk to and always made time for you and make you feel important. I miss him everyday. Thanks for the opportunity to win such great candy and have fun at the wedding!
thank you for the change of winning i placed your button in my blog
thank you
The most amazing person in my life would have to be my amazing husband! Not only is he my husband, but my best friend who supports me in everything I do, everything I attempt and we co-parent hand in hand to two wonderful children! He is my everything, whom I trust and cherish! Our love is unique and for this I am eternally blessed and greatful! I would only hope everyone could find love like ours!
The most amazing person in my life is my daughter. Her laugh is infectious and she inspires me daily with her outlooks on life. So proud of her this year, she's blossomed into such a young woman and great kid.
I shared on my fb....
My son is the most amazing person I know. I am constantly in awe of him. Little daily things are huge accomplishments for him and he works so hard to overcome his challenges.
Thanks for the opportunity to win. I already have your badge and I have a link to this post at my blog! You are very generous and talented!
michelle thank you for visiting my blog..... the most amazing persons in my life are my kids and im so proud of both of them my son he's is the navy and my daughter is just turning to be a beautiful young lady... they are my everything..
I have to tell you about my mom. Through everything, she has been my rock. Even during times when things in my life made her life very difficult. She has supported me even when she knew my decisions were going to hurt and did cause me hurt.
She is an amazing person to me, but not only to me, but to the other people she supports to the best of her ability---the grandmother's group she is a part of (raising money to help grandmothers in Africa who are raising their own grandchildren) to my sister who struggles every day in her life.
She is awesome!
Wonderful the most amazing person in my life is my husband Brayn....1-3-11 on his way to work he had a heart attack in our garage and died in my arms...I couldn't give him CPR as he fell between the cars so all I could do was pray and cray our to the Lord to administer CPR for me and that I wasn't ready to let him go. I kept praying and by the time the Paramedics arrived almost 10 minutes later he got his color back (he went from blue to grey and foaming at the mouth) to being alert and was able to tell them his name. I'm so blessed to have him in my life he is my best friend and my soul mate...God has truly blessed me with a kinds, patient. supportive husband.
Thank you for a chance to win and Happy Memorial Day to you and your family.
PS I have your badge on my blog too!
Hugs Noel
The most amazing person in my life is my husband. I have been sick for over 5 years....breast cancer and now liver failure. My husband has had to step into my shoes in many ways. Though I help as often as possible, he still does the majority of the housework, laundry, cooking, etc. He does this while also supporting us with his full time job. I substitute teach and make money selling cards and crafts, but my husband is still the main provider. Never once has he gotten angry with me or frustrated over my illness. You can imagine the medical bills, even with good insurance, double what you think it would cost. He attends every event our 3 sons are in, every activity, every game, play, competition, etc., whether I can or not. He takes them to church, buys their clothes, takes them to doctor's appointments, well you get the idea. My husband is the most loving, kind, patient, gentle, remarkable, supportive, AMAZiNG person I know. He loves me in a way that makes me never doubt him or his commitment to me and our three sons. Thank you for the opportunity to tell everyone about him. By the way, our three sons are right up there with him....what they have had to go through, and the love and understanding I receive from them is AMAZING. GOD HAS BLESSED ME beyond deserving.
You are right! That is one great blog candy! The most amazing person to me is my husband. He is the most caring person I have met. I have lupus and at times that is hard on the family. He has never failed to help in every way he can. He also helps me see the humor in things when I am down and when I am angry, he knows how to calm me down. Thanks for a chance to win!!! Have a great day! kmassman gamil
The most amazing person in my life is my husband. He was my best friend long before he was even my boyfriend and he will always be my best friend. He is there for me no matter what and has done incredible things to try and provide for this family of ours. He is truly my hero!
The most amazing person in my life is my husband of 52 years. Do to my many illnesses he really has the biggest burden around here and he does it very well. He jokingly says I raised him right. I think he does it because he loves me. We raised 6 children and he is always there when they need him. He really encourages me in my paper crafting and buys little card making goodies to surprise me all the time. I just love him and our 6 children. Have a wonderful weekend. Regina
The most amazing person in my lift is my mom. She is not only my mom, but my best friend! She is a 11 year breast cancer survivor and lives every day to the fullest. There is nothing she won't try - and most things she can accomplish. She is a true inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win!
The most amazing person in my life is my hubby! Newly retired, because we will have no insurance for me for the next 6 years until Medicare, he's looking for a job now to get health coverage! How Sweet is that?! I've been unable to work and I know that's been a real worry to us. He deserves to be simply retired and no worries, but he's thinking of me. God love him!
I posred this on my sidebar too, Here . thanks for a chance to brag on hubby and a chance for candy too!
I feel blessed to say that I have a lot of amazing people in my life, however, at the top of the list is my fabulous husband. I am who I am because of the journey we started 21 years ago when we got married. He is so wonderfully supportive of everything I do and an amazing father to our two children. He is such a hard working and easy going person that I am truly blessed to have him as a partner in my life! Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome blog candy, I also have a great giveaway on my blog right now, please stop by to enter my giveaway too!
scrappindhilly at gmail dot com
i love weddings, my most fav person is my loving boyfriend rick, he tells me everyday that hes so lucky that i chose him, we have known each other 20 years and are so happy, we are soulmates.....shared this awesome goodie giveaway on my blog...have a fab weekend
also posted your badge to my blog....thank you
The most amazing person in my life is my mother. She is always an inspiration to me and has always been there for me to help me through all the hard times. She is always a model for the mother and wife that I aspire to be.
I've just posted your badge on my blog as well. Thank you for the chance at such a wonderful giveaway!
The most amazing person's is my mother who is always there for me when I need someone to talk to and my husband. I was always afraid to try new things and he encourged me to do more, such as get my motorcycle licnese. I love them both so much and do not know what I do without either of them.
The most amazing person to me is my parents. I would not be the person I am today if it was not for both of them. They taught me how to love and respect everyone, no matter who you are. To help people who needs you. To work hard ever day and to be thankful to have a roof over your head. They have taught me that the joy in your heart and the little things in life that make you smile is all you need. Along with family and friends
The most amazing person in my life is my Father. He is always there to lend a helping hand to me, my sisters and the rest of our family. Thanks for the chance to win!
The most amazing person in my life is my son Matthew.....he is profoundly autistic and he has taught me so much about life, patience, perseverance and what is important. Thanks for a chance to win!!
I have your badge posted on my blog:) Thanks for a chance to win.
Thanks for making this soon as you said most amazing person, I didn't even have to think about it.
My husband is loving, caring, loyal and supportive. He's a great friend and the best dad anyone could ask for. He's also a three-time cancer survivor. (actually, he's still on round three since it's not treatable, but very slow growing.) He lost his dad many years ago to brain cancer, so when he was diagnosed with lymphoma the first time, (already in stage 4...his doctors didn't think he would survive) he decided to fight with all he had, and he proved all the medical professionals wrong. He even found a theme song that was popular back then by Chumbawamba..."I get knocked down, but I get up again, they're never gonna keep me down." (Yes, he knows the song is really about drinking, but he made it his own!!) He still gets excited and sings it whenever he hears it!
If fighting cancer wasn't enough of a struggle for him, six years ago, I had a box fall on my head and sustained a head injury and a serious neck injury. My activities became (and still are) very limited. I can't lift more than a few pounds or do anything with my arms that involves reaching or repetitive motion. So, unloading the dishwasher, laundry (especially hanging and folding) vaccuuming...all of those things are out for me. And since I can no longer work, we can't afford to have anyone come in and help us.'s my amazing man, working his full-time job, doing most of the housework, battling cancer, and even fund-raising for Relay For Life each year, all at the same time. And NEVER with a negative word about anything. He's happy to do it and thrilled every day to be alive. I wish I could find a mega-candy for him...he deserves it!
amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
I added your pics and link to my blog candy page.
amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
Thank you so much for sharing your goodies with us. Most amazing person in my life is my darling mother. She shares and laughs and is happy for others. She has chosen to be the caregiver for both mom's till death and is now again in the same position with my dear father, hubby for 60 years. All the family has learned so much from Mom, in a light mannered way.
Thank you for asking.
Hugs to all 'Cheri
Yes, this giveaway will surely make someone happy. This a a tough question for me I have several people in my life that ammmmmmmaze me. My husband, who has Multilple Sclerosis, and has been in a wheel chair for 8 years, has had surgery well over 24 times,has nearly died a couple, Is in pain daily, and takes it all one day at a time, has never lost his faith, his love for family or sense of humor. we have been together for 35 years, here is to many many more. The other amazing people are my mom and mom in law. I lost my mom in October, watched her pass, she did it with courage and strength..strength she did not know she had. And my mom in law..she raised 9 children, is blind and is the rock of Gibralta, everyone turns to and she never fails us. Great love and respect for these three wonderful people.
oops...forgot eamil
and no blog yet
thank you
Hi Michele - wow amazing.
My most amazing person has to be my husband. He is supportive, generous and so caring. He is there when I need him and he is my sole mate. We actually met on an airplane when I was going home on leave (Ex-RAF), from Cyprus. If I hadn't waved goodbye to him at the airport he says he would never have written a letter. I got back off leave in Jan 1994 to find a letter from him - it had gone through several overseas post offices to reach me. I wrote back and the rest they say is history:-). we emigrated to Canada in Sept 2005 and its the best thing we ever did for us. Thanks and enjoy your wedding this evening.
hmmmm I seemed to have gotten a error when I posted a few minutes ago. I just wanted to say my hubby is the most amazing person I know! He has spent his whole life struggling and making adjustments in things he wants to do because of his muscular dystrophy, but he is still my biggest cheerleader in life!
Happy Memorial Weekend!!! My mom is the most amazing person I know! Her heart is the size of Texas! She does so much for other people and expects nothing in return! She means the world to me!
I posted you blog button on my sidebar to help spread the word about your awesome blog! Have a great weekend!
Wow what a gift someone will receive. Well, the most amazing person in my life at this time is my 17 year old granddaughter, Allie. She is deaf in one ear and has less than 50% hearing in the other ear. It is not correctable. However, she is first chair trumpet in her H.S. Symphonic Band. Plays in the Jazz Band and has soloed at the Iowa City Jazz Festival. On Friday, she learned that she will be Drum Major for the Marching Band! Allie is a role-model for anyone thinking "no I can't." Funny thing is though, her peers don't even know she doesn't hear most sounds, because she love music and life. Allie is a wrestling manager during the season. She is a member of the National Honor Society and works at the local grocery store. I Love Allie.
The most lovely person in my life is my mother, because she is my great friend and the best person of the world.
Thanks for a chance to win this lovely candy!
Val Rodrigues
I will post this candy on my blog.
Hi... I am back, because I posted on my blog (sidebar)
Val Rodrigues
What a terrific giveaway. Unfortunatly I cant choose one amazing person, because I have been blessed with many terrific and wonderful people. My Mom, dad and brothers are supportive. My friends are always encouraging, no matter what I am doing, My other half Marty is the rock.... and my one and only nephew AJ is my inspiration.... And I could go on and on... I am one of the luckiest people ever to have so many amazing people...
Gina Piazza
Love your blog, and now awesome bog candy! Right now the most amazing person in my life is my graduating high school son. He has endured a few difficult things in his short life (HUS at age 6 and most recently an appendectomy) but still has decided to give back to his country by enlisting in the Army before beginning college. I am humbled by his commitment and dedication to serve-but not surprised because many people in my family have chosen the military route-which means DS knows what is in store for him!
I just added your badge to my blog!
The most amazing person in my life is my husband. He has always been so good to me. He is always there when I need him and is an exemplary Christian and husband.
There are two very amazing people in my life... my parents. My parents are down-to-earth folks who would give you the shirt off their back but sadly, they are often taken advantage of.
When no one else in the family could be bothered, they took in my grandmother (who suffers from alzheimers)so she wouldn't have to go into a nursing home. My mother is constantly making sure my grandmother and everyone else comfortable and happy. She is always watching other people's children on the weekends, including one boy who is mentally disabled . She never rests.
My father is a hard-worker as well. He's level-headed and works long hours, sometimes 16hr shifts to provide for his family. On his days off, he takes my brother on bike rides, and to the local state parks, even if he's tired.
I'm incredibly fortunate to be their daughter.
most amazing persone would be my mom. the last 2 years have been rough as my dad past away two years ago and last sept my brother and he was only 47 but through it all she has been right there for all of us
The most amazing person in my life besides my kids would be my husband. He is currently in the USAF and we are stationed in Louisiana. I am thankful for him everyday and all that he sacrifices to do his job.
The most amazing people in my life are my family. My husband is wonderful and my two kiddos are such a blessing! My life would be so empty without them! Thank you for the chance to win this generous, awesome bundle of crafty goodness!
The most amazing person in my life would be my sister.We all call her Cheerios!Why?because thats all she ate when we were growing
She taught me how to listen more,to be more patient,to be more kinder to others even when they offend.But she taught be that everything can and will be accomplished in life through prayer.It's true!
Thank you for this amazing Giveaway!Enjoy the wedding!
I am already a follower and your button has already a home in my blog.:)
My daughter is the most amazing person in my life. She is such a blessing, and is always there for me. She's my crafting buddy, too!
The most amazing person in my life is my husband. I am three months pregnant and he has been a rock. I have been so tired and sick and it is such a relief to be able to lean on him. He has picked up the slack without complaining. I am a lucky lady!!!
My most amazing person is my husband. He has supported me through so many difficult times. I'm very lucky to have him.
The most amazing person in my life is my mother. She is just like her mother, so giving all the time, wanting to help others. Anytime you need anything, she always has it, and is so generous with it. My favorite story about that is the time I was putting up a bulletin board at church, and we dropped by her house to see them for a few minutes. She was sitting at the table doing something crafty, and I said that I was going to the craft store to get some gold stick-on letters for the bulletin board. She said "Here", and reached over and picked up a package of-yes!-gold stick-on letters!
The most fabulous person in my life currently in one of my very best friends, Andrea! She's one of the strongest people I know and fights every day to get her health back on her side! :)
I've added your button to my blog!
My sister.. she is stronger than she's gives herself credit for. Its been a rough year and she has been able to maintain a positive outlook on life.. I admire her for that.
The most amazing person in my life is my mom because she is always there for me and loves me no matter what.
My mom was and always be the most amazing person in my life. My dad passed away 4 years ago this last Friday just three days size of their 43rd wedding anniversaryand she has shown me strength and perservence as she has had to start this new life without her husband. I love her very much
I posted your button on my blog
Nice blog candy.
Your button is on my site
The most amazing person in my life was my grandpa. Unfortunately, he passed away on May 6 this year. He was so much more than just a grandpa, he was a true friend. I could always go talk to him about anything going on in my life, good or bad, and he would always share in my joy and excitement, or feel my sadness with me and give me words of encouragement. My grandpa was there for me ever since day one. He was actually the first person to feed me after I was born! I have so many wonderful memories of him...I could go on and on. One memory I would love to share real quick is about when he first started using Facebook. Me and my mom noticed he seemed to be catching on real quick to the online lingo...he did lots of LOLs on comments to my stuff, my mom's stuff, my cousin's stuff, day my mom and I were over at his place, and commented on how quickly he was picking up online slang and that we were impressed that he knew was LOL was...he was like "Well it means Lots of Love, doesn't it?" (he ALWAYS ended his comments with "LOL, Gramps") Me and my mom had a quick little laugh and told him that LOL meant Laughing Out Loud. But for him to think LOL meant Lots of Love...that's just the type of person he him, what else could it have meant.
He was the sweetest, kindest, gentlest, caring, most loving man I have ever known in life. He was a true gentleman who touched many many many lives. I was blessed to have the greatest grandpa anyone could have asked for.
As always thanks for such a awesome giveaway.
The most amazing person in my life is my mother. Her unconditional love and and her wisdom has impacted my life in an awesome and beautiful way.
esterperez73 at yahoo
The most amazing person in my life is my Grandma. She raised 10 of her own kids and the 1 grandson. And did it all with an alcoholic abusive husband. She is the sweetest most loving person I know. She is 92 and although she can't get around as easily as she would like, her mind is sharp as a tack! She has made beautiful patchwork quilts for all 10 kids and 20 grandchildrean and and 24 great grandkids. And she makes the most awesome banana bread I have ever ate!!
The most amazing person in my life is my mother. My mother is one of 12 siblings and when she was younger she survived polio only to become deaf. She was shipped away to a state school and attended all year long except went home for the holidays. Although her family loved her, she did not grow up with the "normal" family dynamics. She raised my sisters and I with such amazing love and support and I credit her for my mothering skills. She's amazing. She instilled in us a love for sewing and all things crafty and she just loves to brag about anything we create to her friends and family. She's pretty awesome!
Wow! What a bundle of loot! Hope you enjoy your event! The most amazing person in my life is my wife. We started out as best friends and everything else has just fallen into place without any effort and with any conditions. Life is pretty much perfect and it's all because of her! Thanks for such a sweet thought!
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway! The most amazing person in my life is my husband. He is so wonderful and caring and works so hard for me and our daughter.
Thanks. Tina
The most amazing person in my life is my son. He was born with health issues and delays and has never had an easy time of it. This year in particular has been particularly hard for him. He spent 2 1/2 months in the hospital because of his medical condition and yet smiled every day, despite being so sick and in so much pain. He truly inspires me -- if he can find something to smile about then so can I.
Thank you for a chance to win such an awesome prize.
dietzrobles at yahoo dot com
The most amazing person in my life is my son. He was born with health issues and delays and has never had an easy time of it. This year in particular has been particularly hard for him. He spent 2 1/2 months in the hospital because of his medical condition and yet smiled every day, despite being so sick and in so much pain. He truly inspires me -- if he can find something to smile about then so can I.
Thank you for a chance to win such an awesome prize.
dietzrobles at yahoo dot com
What an awesome give away! My husband is the most amazing person ever. He is so giving and caring, HE nurtures me when I'm sick. When we had our 1st child, he did everything short of breastfeeding....he would have if he could have! He works hard to take care of us, he's so patient an understanding and totally spoils me and my "crafting" addiction. Married for almost 10yrs...God made him just for me! Cheers, Rocio
I have to say it's my daughter, Melanie. She worked really hard at school graduating with a double major. She and her boyfriend have just put in an offer on their first house after saving up for the past few years. They are excited to be getting a bigger place after apartment living.
My husband is my amazing person. He is supportive of me and my crafts. We will be married 39 years in September. We have been thru thick and thin, illnesses and the death of both our parents. He has been a great example as a Father and a loving Grandfather. Thanks for the generous giveaway.
My Mom is truley the most inspiring person. She came to this country when she married my dad over 50 years ago. She tought herself to read, write and speak English. Traveled the world as a military wife, raised four children. Cared for my sister who struggled with illness her entire life until she passed a few years ago. Her love for all of us is evident every single day. The pain she has gone through watching my sister suffer never once overshadowed her love. I am the mom I am today because of her.
The most amazing person in my life is my husband..we have been through so many ups and downs and no matter the downs he is there to pick me up and work everything out together. He is my biggest fan and encourages me in everything I do. I could not imagine my life without him.
the most amazing person in my life is my mom, she is here for me when in need her and she understands the hard time we are going though.
Hi I'm An'Jenic aka AJ! I'm a new follower of your blog. The most amazing person in my life is my parents. I have one of the best parents in the world. My parents have raising everyone kids and theirs. I love them so much. They are the best grandparents. They have been my inspiration in my marriage and raising my kids. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Thanks AJ~
I add your button to my page. Thanks so much AJ~
The most amazing person in my life is my mom. She is 80 but has the youngest spirit and most caring heart. She recently broke her hip while line dancing. Yes, line dancing! I kid you not. And through determinatipn and hard work she is back to doing everything she did before. M
My Mom is the most amazing person in my life. To have gone through what she endured and still be the one to help anyone in need makes my mom amazing. Thanks for the chance to win
My sister was the most amazing person in my life as well as my absolute best friend. She was truly a wonderful mom, wife, and sister. Although I was 9 years older than her, she was my "person" as they say on Grey's Anatomy LOL! Definitely the one I could always count on, no matter what. She was the most positive, cheerful and funny person. You just couldn't help but love her. My husband always knew whenever I was laughing so hard on the phone that I was talking with her. She just lit up my life through good times and bad. I'm fortunate to have made so many good memories with her. She was only 40 years old and has been gone for almost 10 years because of a surgical error, and I still miss her every single day. Even though I was the big sister, my little sister definitely taught me to look on the bright side, to always look for a positive spin on things, and, when all else fails, to laugh.
My niece is the most amazing person in my life. Yes, although she is only 7, she is still absolutely amazing. She has been diagnosed with diabetes within the past year. She takes kids making fun of her in stride...always finding the good in even the meanest comments. She wears her pump and throws it around here and there while being amazingly active...almost like it isn't a part of her. She is such an inspiration at a very young age, and I can only hope that everyone that knows her can benefit from her "spunkiness" as she goes through life.
I truly have an amazing family. My husband is the most loving, caring and supportive man. He is all I could ask for in a husband and more than I could ever wish for, for a father. My daughters are the loves of my life... they teach me new things everyday. They make everything brighter with just a smile and can turn a bad day into a good day with a hug and a kiss. My family is my world... they amaze me everyday! :)
I added your button to my side bar! :)
Thank you so much for the chance to win this amazing blog candy.. someone is going to be very very excited to win!!!
The most amazing person I know is my husband. We have been married for four years and we got married at 23 years of age. We have had some tough times financially and boy has he come through for us. He works a terrible sales job but he works hard to support us and I love him so much.
Ps. You didn't mention if your giveaway is open internationally.
Wonderful giveaway and thank you for this opportunity.
Amazing person is my life for over 40 years now, was and still is my darling husband.
He has been by my side through thick and thin; through the good times and bad. I couldn't ask for anyone better
He truely is my earth angel
The most amazing person is my Jesus Lord, my savior, my best friend, my comforter, my prince of peace, my protector, my counselor, my lover, my friend... And on and on goes the list. It is Him who has placed lots of other amazing people in my life and along my me what I need at the very moment(s) I need it the most... Thanks for some great giveaways...and prayers and blessings to the new bride and groom. Blessings, Sharon
The most amazing person in my life is my wonderful husband. He is an amazing father, my girls and I are lucky to have him in our lives.
The most amazing person in my life is my mother. When I was little my dad was diagnosed with cancer. She had to assume the role as caregiver, mother with the full responsibility of parenting on her shoulders. My father was not given long to live when diagnosed, but he did live a year past prediction and she never cracked through it all. Then she had to take the sole responsibility of raising me while she herself was diagnosed with cancer. As you can imagine, as a small child I was freaked that I would lose my mother as I did my father, but she stayed strong and reassuring. She is a fighter and yet so nurturing. She has been such an amazing blessing in my life.
Thanks for letting me share this!
the most amazing person in my life was my paternal grandmother. She gave me my love of cooking, baking, crafts of all kinds, sewing, the list goes on! She is no longer living and I miss her so much. She had a huge impact on my life from how I raised my children to hospitality to others.
The most amazing person in my life is my 6 week old daughter Lilly! She's our first child. I never imagined just how much I would love her and want to do anything to protect her! She's started smiling, making cute baby noises, and we even got a laugh in the past few weeks. She amazes me every single day! I feel so truly blessed that my husband and I have her in our lives.
Thanks for the chance to win!
karenskapin at yahoo dot com
I am so fortunate. I have MANY amazing people in my life. I volunteer in the city with firefighters and police officers. I have wonderful children. My husband spoils me silly. And to go back even further, my parents were AMAZING. They loved each other (and my sister and me, too) unconditionally.
That's an easy question for me to answer. My Dad is pretty amazing ! At 82 years old he still plays a good game of golf , does ALOT of leather crafting (he makes super nice purses, tote bags, wallets, and many other items), takes good care of himself and his home, does his own shopping, goes out every day to meet friends, just drove 13 hours each way to his Viet Nam reunion, and is also a veteren of the Korean war and WWII ...AND he's a pretty terrific dad in addition to all of that !
The most amazing person in my life is my mom. She is just the strongest person with full of love for everyone. She just wants to please everyone and always looks out for others. They told her to terminate her pregnancy, but she didn't give up and that's why I am here today!
Happy Memorial Day! Thank you for the fabulous giveaway.
The most amazing person in my life is my husband. We are the parents of son with autism. I don't think I could make it through the challenges without his love and support. We are surviving on one income so that I can work with and be available for our son. He works all day and makes sacrifices so that can happen. Did I mention he is an awesome patient, and gentle and loving(which isn't always easy.)!
thanks for the opportunity to win!
My grandfather, he had a 4th grade education and jumped the trains to come from Arkansas to Los Angeles and slowly built a a successful business. With hard work. He always expressed education and creativity to me. He made me believe that I could do anything I wanted. And so I have explored art in the most informal way. I can not draw, but I sure can create with my cricut and paints and jewels.
Amazing beyond amazing would be the perfect way to describe my husband, he has stood beside me for 30 yrs and together we have 11 children, he started with 4, we raised the youngest one from 9 onwards, had one together, then we adopted 6. He is the pillar of our family and always makes time for everyone, stops what ever he is doing to help the kids do what ever is important to them in the moment.
Thanks for the blog candy chance,
I am fortunate to have many amazing people in my life. My mother was the most amazing person and her teachings continue to influence my life, even though she passed over 17 years ago.
The most amazingly supportive person in my life has to be my husband. We've been married 32 years. We've been though lots of tests and trials and through it all he has been my touchstone. The death of our 1st child, my momma lived with us for the last year of her life (she died of cancer), the deaths of my dad and his mom, the death of my best friend at the age of 20 and lots of other things too many to mention. He is my very BEST FRIEND!
dmcardmaker (email follower)
my mom was MY most amazing person but my hubby comes in a real close 2nd. Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy
have a great week
The most amazing person in my life is my wonderful husband! He has inspired me for 30 years now and I've been blessed to be his wife for the past 25 yrs!! Despite his physical disabilities he has the most wonderful sense of humor, he makes me smile continually and lol at least once a good times & bad! When something looks impossible, he just turns in another direction and continues on...usually successfully! I honestly think he doesn't realize he has limitations! I love that about him and am so proud that our children have him as a wonderful example!!
hugs & blessings!
My Dad is the most amazing person in my matter what, he's there for me.
There are so many wonderful people iny life (my husband, my parents, my amazing son & daughter, siblings , cousins, & so many great friends!!!)...I don't know how I got so lucky!!!!!!!!!!
But I have to tell you, the people who inspire me so much on a daily basis are all of the AMAZING bloggers out there!!! :) They are so incredibly creative and talented and share so much of themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!! It really amazes me that they take the time to make blog posts that inspire, teach, entertain, and help so many! Having so many wonderful blogs to visit each day really brings joy to my life! So I am sending you & all the bloggers out there a huge thank you and lots of crafty hugs!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much,
partridgelu at yahoo dot com
The most amazing person in my life is no longer with me. He was my father and he was such a special human being. He left me a legacy of values that today sadly are seldom seen. He was a family man, a great father, husband, son, brother and grandfather. He taught me by example to live a vertical life and he always made me feel special, I was the apple of his eyes and he adored me! I miss him every single day and although he is no longer with me I feel him most of the times. He was my greatest joy and boy was I proud and honored to call him daddy or PAPI in Spanish. Thanks for allowing me to give him this tribute!
MarÃa Alba Negrón
San Juan, Puerto Rico
The most amazing person in my life is my husband. He's a wonderful, supportive and loving husband. A devoted father, and a wonderful friend. I'm truly lucky to have him in my life.
The most amazing would be my sister. She "raised" me and my younger brother after both our parents passed. She was my "Mom". She was an amazing lady! Thanks for letting me honor her.
Your badge is posted on my blog...
The most amazing person in my life is my daughter. She is my everything and I would do anything for my little princess. She always has a smile on her face and always makes me smile. Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway. Im already a folower of you blog.
mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com
I have added you badge on my right side bar.
mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com
My mother has always been one of the most amzaing persons in my life. She was always there for me. She taught me so many things. Now, she is suffering from dementia, a benign brain tumor, and a recently broken hip. Still she goes on. She is so cute that everyone who meets her loves her. I love her so much. I am there at the rehab/nursing home every morning to see that she eats breakfast and completes her physical therapy, so she can come back home with us. She was a Walmart greeter, hired at 80 and worked till 86. That was after retiring from two other jobs. She is AMAZING and I hope I am just like her. Thanks for a chance to win. You have the best give aways. I have no blog, or I would post your button.
God has blessed my life with many special people but the most amazing person would have to be my Husband. We just celebrated our 20th Anniversary! He is someone who has supported and loved me through all of our ups and downs. He is man with the kindest heart, the soul provider of our family and an AWESOME Father to our two wonderful sons. Thanks for the opportunity to win your AMAZING giveaway! Good luck to everyone:)
I would have to say the most amazing person in my life is my husband. I have diabetes and he takes great care of me. Also, I have been out of work for some time and he only says that my day has not come yet for the job the Lord wants me to have. Very patient. Love him alot.
Thank you for the opportunity to win thes great prizes.
I would have to say the most amazing person in my life is my husband. I have diabetes and he takes great care of me. Also, I have been out of work for some time and he only says that my day has not come yet for the job the Lord wants me to have. Very patient. Love him alot.
Thank you for the opportunity to win thes great prizes.
Wow!! Great giveaway! The most amazing person in my life is my husband. He's been by my side through thick and thin. He's a devoted family man to my son and I. We are so blessed to have him in our lives!
My husband is the most amazing person in my life. He is such a thoughtful, kind, strong man. A fabulous father and a lot of fun to be with.
Thank you Michele for the opportunity to win such an incredible prize!
my mother was the most amazing person in my life. she was the kindest, most caring person i've ever known and i miss her dearly.
littlen44 at gmail dot com
The most amazing person in my life is my husband!! He just gives and gives to our family! There is no doubt in any of our hearts of his love for us : ) Thanks for the chance to play!
Well, I am getting in on this one in the nick of time. The most amazing person in my life has to be my wonderful husband of 33 1/2 years. He is so good to me, he is kind to everyone and always takes the high road. What an example of a great human being. Love that man!
Your badge is on my sidebar. I love your blog! you are so generous with this giveaway!
I would have to say the most amazing person in my life is my husband. He is so supportive of everything I do and is a wonderful and involved father to our children.
My husband hands down! We celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary on may 27th. When we met in college he told me about his hopes, dreams, plans. He's made all of them come true. He's created even more challenges for himself and is constantly striving to be the best he can be. He supports my craftiness too. I love and appreciate all that he is so much. Thanks for the giveaway!
L_borde at
The most amazing person in my life is my husband. He is the sweetest and most caring person ever. Even though he has a lot of medical problems he alays makes sure everyone is taken care of.
The most amazing person in my life is my husband. He is the sweetest and most caring person ever. Even though he has a lot of medical problems he alays makes sure everyone is taken care of.
My husband is the most amazing person I know. He supports me in everything I do and I am glad to have him by my side. Thanks for the chance to win.
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