Since coming back from vacation, I've been fighting a cold. Not a "fever, kick you in the butt" type of cold, but one that makes you feel lousy and tired, but still functional. I am still going to work and running around here like a chicken, but by the time it is 9 O'clock, I am done.....stick a fork in me! Which means no crafting this week. I am feeling a bit behind in assignments and that is not a good feeling! So hopefully, this stupid cold goes away soon!
I dug some pics out from last year's vacation and decided to scrap some of them. I used the Life's a Beach cartridge and Fun in the Sun with my Cricut to cut everything on this LO. I used glitter.......again.......on the waves and beach ball. I couldn't resist...even if it was a boy's page!
I added a little crocheted doily to the center of my sun for interest along with a button filled with pearls.
Glitter. I. Just. Can't. Help. Myself. ; )
I am looking forward to a somewhat quiet weekend......time for some crafting I hope. (fingers crossed!)
Thank you for stopping by!
Have a wonderful weekend!