Today is my husband's 45th birthday. It is hard to believe we met at the Burger King Drive Thru when I was just 16 years old. We dated through high school and college before finally tying the knot 20 years ago. I am truly blessed to have this man in my life.
I created this LO for the February issue of Cricut Magazine. I used several cartridges including, Kate's ABC's, Flower Shoppe, and Cricut Font and Basic Shapes. I did a bit of painting, and used rhinestones. (Which has become a fairly new obsession of mine)
I love adding depth to my projects with the dimensional foam circles. I was able to incorporate the ruffled ribbon and allowing enough room for it using these handy little buggers!
I have always enjoyed photography, ever since my kids were little. But lately, I have been taking my camera off the auto mode and learning to use it in manual. I have a lot to learn and all I can say is thank goodness for digital! After 25 or so shots, I finally get one or two that I like! ;)
So here is my attempt once again at being a real "photographer!"
I pulled my son outside trying to find those catch lights photographers talk about all the time. He is a pretty good sport with his crazy, camera toting mother!
And when all else fails, I torture my dogs. They don't seem to mind too much the camera in their sweet furry faces. ;)
Can you say "groomers?" I like to say he is extraordinarily fluffy.
And of course there is always Cortney. She is always pretty easy going. My challenge with her is to get those baby blues open and straight. She has severe visual impairment, nystagmus, and a lazy eye. Many photos get trashed because I am simply not happy with how her eyes look. But every now and then, I get that "money shot!" (Think prom photos!) ;)
Thanks for letting me share a bit! I am off to run some errands and get ready for hubby's birthday weekend!
Have a great one my friends!