Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Density-Will it Float or Sink?

Awhile back, when I was still creating for Northridge Publishing, I was asked to design a page about an everyday event.  What is more "everyday" than homework? 
Cort had to conduct a science experiment about denisty.
She was given a list of objects and asked to make a prediction on whether or not each one would float or sink.
Cortney predicted pretty accurately and really enjoyed doing this experiment. 

I used quite an assortment of Cricut images from different cartridges.  I used From my Kitchen, Cricut Font and Basic Shapes, Mother's Day Bouquet, Tablescapes Winter and Fall, and Teresa Collins Easter Basket.  That's why I love CCR, it makes finding what you are looking for a breeze!
It is another busy, busy week!
I will be heading back to school tonight for my 5th grader's Christmas concert.
It is always fun seeing the kiddos dressed in their prettiest clothes!
We have a couple of Christmas parties this week too....
Have a great day!
I truly appreciate you taking a few moments to pay me a visit!
I know everyone's time is limited at this time of year.

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