Today is an important day for my family.
For many years we have been trying to get Cortney on a wait list, for a wonderful residential placement to live, as she becomes an adult. Today we have our last interview with them, and afterwards she will be "officially" on their wait list. That means she could be placed a week from now, or a year from now. But the call can come at any time. It is bitter sweet for me. I know when that call comes, I will not be ready. I will never be ready.
It's hard letting go.
Giving control to someone else.
Being sure that people take care of her the way I take care of her.
But I know she will love living there.
She is social, chatty, loves being busy, and loves her friends.
She will have a "job" there.
She will participate in so many fun events.
She will create a life there that doesn't include me. Or her dad. Or her brother.
I know logically that this is the best place for her.
But my heart aches at the thought of it.
I have faith that everything will fall into place when the time is right.
It is exciting.....and scary.
I have been still pursuing the modeling for her.
I've not had any luck which I find frustrating at times.
Even this crazy guy tried to help us! His stage name is "Can Head." He was on the Ellen show and several other talk shows for the ability to stick things to himself, and they actually stay! He and I ran into each other at the local Jewel. He offered to help and took some photos with Cort. I've been e-mailing them to Ellen with Cort's story. So far no luck. I keep plugging away hoping that someone, somewhere will see her cute face and see her potential.
I know you all came here for my card, so I probably should stop rambling and get to the details!
It was a card I created when I was part of the Dirty Dozen at Splitcoast. It was a Silhouette cut that I had added loads and loads of glitter to. A few gemstones, a great big ribbon and it was complete!
I thought it was appropriate for today.
Have a wonderful day my friends!
Thanks for listening to me!