Babies. Just the one word conjurs up memories..... How long ago it all seems. Our late night feedings, the smell of their sweet little fuzzy heads, the cuddles, their insatiable curiosity as they grew. And then..........they become TEENAGERS!!! Boy, oh boy, God really knew what he was doing didn't he? ; )
I created these invitations using the Imagine and the Nursery Tales cartridge. I printed the actual invite on vellum that was run through my printer. I placed a strip of green paper under, "It's a Baby Shower" to help it pop a bit.
And since I always feel my cards need a little something "extra" I decided to make Shrinky Dink baby bottles to tie onto my satin bow. : )
I am looking forward to a quiet weekend puttering around at home. I am in the fall cleaning mode and want to organize and purge......
I am hoping too, to take "after" pictures of my basement so I can show you the transformation it went under. I am so pleased with how it turned out!
Have a wonderful (not too rainy) Labor Day weekend!