Not so sure this little guy was too happy......but it
was his birthday! This is my nephew Nicholas on his first birthday. Not so sure he liked our singing.......with the finger in his ear and all! LOL! And hey, I'm only a year behind.....since he is now 2.....ok.......2 1/2! I changed the picture in Photoshop using the Vintage Action. It softens the pictures a bit and then they "match" my vintage stash! Lots of Melissa Frances stuff here.... : )

I've made myself a promise to submit my work many of the cards I've been working on I can't show. (They probably won't get picked up......but If I don't try they don't even have an eensy weesy chance of getting picked up!)
I am so glad it is Friday......lot's of drama at work lately. When you work with all women....that's what you get........DRAMA! Women are so caddy and love to talk.....KWIM? When push comes to shove, we'd all be there for each other in a heartbeat, but our day to day is this constant bickering and such. I think my next job......I'm going to work with all men. Stripper maybe?? LOL!
Have a fabulous weekend!!!!