Cortney achieved a HUGE milestone this year. Let me back up and give you some background info.......Cort has many, many sensory issues and one of them includes the motion of stopping and going. Any activities that require her to stop and go, such as: shopping, going to the zoo, driving in a car, going to the museum......or picking apples, would usually end up with my girl in tears, tantrum mode, and banging her head off the back of her headrest. It wasn't fun........for MANY years. At one point, my family suggested I just not take her out......yep....leave her at home. Seriously? Am I doomed to never get a gallon of milk from Jewel because Cort would end up in full blown tantrum mode? I never gave in.......I MADE her go out.....MADE her shop.....MADE her go to the mall......and yes......MADE her go apple picking! Well, this year she didn't end up in tantrum head banging! She actually
enjoyed picking the apples off the trees and putting them in the bag. She loved having her lunch outside. She fed the goats and cows without tears, rode on the hay ride happily, and shopped in the gift store! When we decided to leave she actually said in her sweet sing songy voice, "No."
I replied, "No what Cort?"
She said, "No go pick!"
Well that was enough to make this mother quite teary eyed. I guess my little girl is finally growing up! : )

Everything is from Noel Mignon's scrap kits. I used her 31st kit, Core Curriculum, and Rise & Shine. (All sold out) I added a 7 Gypsies tag, a couple of doilies, and used a
JustRite's Autumn Blessings and Borders stamp. I colored that in with my Copics, did some airbrushing, and then used my oval Nestibilities. I loved that it said, "Thankful for the Little Things." Which I am......everyday. : )

I made my lil' apples shiny with some Crystal Effects. And don't forget....the Mill Street kit is up for preorder....and the last time I checked there were only 9 kits left! If interested, go
I can't believe today is Thursday....that means work and then off to Spanish class tonight. Busy, busy day......but it's all good. : )
Thanks so much for stopping by today! Your visits and comments are incredibly appreciated! (Now if I could only teach my wonderful family how to leave comments too! )