Here is what the journaling reads:
I wish you and Kyle could fight over toys or the television
I wish you and Kyle could play board games together
I wish I didn't have to fight to get you the best medical care
I wish car rides weren't so hard for you
I wish everything that could help you wasn't so expensive
I wish you could share your hopes and dreams with me
I wish I could watch you get your heart broken by your first love...
I wish I could cringe the first time you drive a car
I wish I could fight with you over curfew
I wish I could see you off to college
I wish I could watch you receive your diploma
I wish I could watch your father walk you down the aisle on your wedding day
I wish I could hold your child someday.....
I wish things could be different sweet girl....but God has different plans for you....my wishes
are not His wishes.
I guess I have to see what path God chooses for you.......