I know Chicago isn't alone in its wild and crazy weather lately, but I gotta tell ya.....it's putting me in complete panic mode. Within 20 minutes yesterday it went from sunny, to overcast, to 60 mph winds, rain, tornado warnings and all this happened on my drive home yesterday! I white knuckled it the whole way home! So my son, who finds my reaction
quite amusing, turns to me in the car and said, "Mom, you have a condition known as Storm-itis! I think you need to take a Melatonin to calm you down!" Yep. Storm-itis. Thanks
Dr. Kyle.
I have a LO to share with you of my
non PhD kid. (LOL!) I took this shot of Cort right before her graduation ceremony. I was so pleased to have captured it.......it truly shows how beautiful and stunning she is. It was created for
Noel Mignon's "White Space" challenge. Of course mine isn't' "white," it's pink! (always the rebel, I am!) I did some paint on the ole' toothbrush trick and a bit of Glimmer Misting. I used
Noel's Object of My Affection kit. (sold out long ago).

I hope you can play along with us this week!
Head over HERE to see the rest of the DT's fabulous use of "White Space!"
Off to a pool party today.......cuz yes, the sun
IS shining. (for now) : )