In honor of my ......ahem.....29th birthday.....I will be offering some spooky Blog Candy! It includes: Making Memories 6x 6 pad of Halloween paper and brads, Daisy D's buttons, Orange Fun Flock, and two stamps.
What do you have to do? Tell me your most embarrassing moment. I could really use some giggles at the moment. I'll tell you mine...just so it is fair. Course I have many to choose from....but here is one! I was teaching my 5th grade students a few years ago when I had to leave in the morning for a doctor's appt. I swung my arms over my head to get my jacket on. (The students were watching me at this point) When one of my students raised their hand. They proceeded to tell me that I had a hole in the arm of my sweater. So being the nice teacher that I am, thanked them and continued to leave for my appt. I had one of those big loopy, chenille sweaters....remember those? Well, when I got in my car to check out this little hole.....it was a HUGE gaping hole in the armpit! This entire time thinking it was just a tiny little thing! One would have thought I would have felt a breeze coming though there or something! So I went to the doc's office and proceeded to call my MIL. (She lives close by). I told her what happened, of course she was laughing hysterically on the other end....she is very supportive that way.....and brought me a new sweater. When I returned to school, the kids noticed my change in clothing....I told them I was too cold in the "holy" sweater!
So share those stories, make them up if you want to...I won't know the difference! I will hold the random drawing on Monday night. (September 10th.....My birthday!)