Today is my
FIL's birthday! So last night I made him this card! I just purchased this set from Paper Trey Ink. I love the trees, but more importantly, I love all the sentiments that go with it! I left the card fairly simple since I was creating it for a man. This is hard for me because if you know me, I love
bling! Rhinestones, glitter, ribbon.......
I opted for the twine instead and NO
bling! The paper is by Basic Grey. And you will be happy to know.....it only took me an hour to make!: )

In honor of my belated
blogaversary, My
FIL's 72
nd birthday, and Cortney's 13
th birthday this Friday, I am offering some goodies! What do you have to do? Well, since Cortney WILL be a teenager this week, tell me about the worst thing
you did as a teenager, or something one of your own teenagers pulled off! Why? Well a mom has to be prepared for the worst right? : )
The drawing will be held this Friday. I will have Cortney pick the name!
Thanks so much my blogger friends!
Such generous Blog Candy! YUM! A what a coincidence...today is my FIL's birthday also. (He's 66)
It seems like so long ago since my teen years...let me think. I'd like to say I was a great kid, but my parents could probably tell a story or two.
My parents always told me to come straight home from our youth group meeting at church, and not to drive anyone home. Well, not wanting to disappoint my friends, I drove them all home. LIttle did I know Mom had checked the mileage on the car before I left that evening. Oops!
This is going to sound really lame, but I never really did anything bad. I was an A student, into school activities, church, etc. Probably the worst thing I did was cheat on a test.
awesome blog candy!
well....I was an A student, very active in sports, school council, booster club etc etc etc....
but I was challenged on homecoming nite to pull off a prank for the principle....it was my turn...LOL...By the way, I should say that in my small town in ks...this was a tradition and it was expected by the principle that something would be done....besides just Tp'ing the house...LOL
Anyway, i took a lunch bag of cow poo, put it on the principles porch, lit it on fire and rang the doorbell...he came out and stomped on it....LOL....you guessed it....it went everywhere....that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Fantastic candy! I was a good teenager.... my kids were not as good, sneaking out at night to hang out. They did survive to be adults though and I survived them. Now I'm loving them starting their own families... can't wait until their kids are teenagers!
Courtney... pick me! :-) LOL
By most people's standards, I was a pretty good kid, but I am a preacher's kid and you know how preacher's kids are! LOL
I did a lot of stupid stuff that wasn't really BAD, but it was rebellion against my parents, so it was bad to them.
The thing that comes to mind quickly is that one night the guy I was "dating" came to my house and shined a flashlight into my window, waking me up. I went to the front door to meet him and we were talking... when my dad came downstairs to go to the bathroom. I thought I was MAJORLY busted, but he didn't see the guy, and only heard me shutting the door. He asked what I was doing, and I told him that I thought I had heard something outside, so I was just checking it out. (that WAS SORT OF THE TRUTH!) He accepted it and I didn't get busted... that time!
LOVE your "man" card! I am thinking I NEEEEED this stamp set! :)
I wasn't a bad teen - I was actually WAAAAY too good. But I can say I hung out with some bad boys and was around them when they did some less than legal stuff!!!!
Great blog candy. Having gone through 3 teenage boys I have decided that I would have rather gone through that then have had to go through 3 teenage girls. There seems to be no comparison.
I guess the worse thing I did when I was a teen...was tell my mom that my girlfriend was bringing me home from band practice, but the girlfriend and I had a boy that we both liked drive us each home. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
I was a good teenager... most of the time :P I think the worst I did was date a 20-something guy for two years (when I was 15).
I was a quiet teenager until I hit
17,my cousin convinced me to go to the bar...but this was soooo long ago,now a days they can't do that anymore,Thank Goodness!
Other than that I kept to myself.
Thanks for the chance to win your awesome prize!
What a beautiful card!! I have trouble doing masculine cards too! But I love this card! Simple but not... I knew I should have gotten this set when I first seen it... Nice job.
Great masculine card!! It just looks so nice and warm! :)
Oh boy I can't think of anything too bad I did as a teenager - I'm hopelessly boring! :)
I LOVE that card you made for you FIL, it's the perfect "man" card, Michele! I love the plaid paper, just adds that distinguished look, perfect for the older gentleman!
Congrats on the milestone AND having a teenager, I have two - LOL! I was a straight A student, into sports, and lots of clubs so I was a pretty good girl....Hmmm....well, when I was 14, I really really wanted a cat(my parents hated cats and we had a dog. My friend's cat had kittens and so I told her I could have one (I couldn't) and I kept it in my closet!! I took the tuna out of the cupboard and fed it that, but then my mom heard her and well, needless to say, I was not in my happy place after that!! (and no, I did NOt get to keep the cat, *sniff*)
Great candy, girl - thanks for the chance!
I was a "good" kid too! Good grades, in music, church, etc. I do remember being with a group of friends and letting one of the guys drive my dad's car on the interstate. He drove way too fast and it is still scary thinking what could have happened to a bunch of teenagers.
I have to say I was a pretty good kid all in all. I did sneak out of my bedroom window once to sit in my front lawn talking to a boy. Nothing happened, just talking, but I'm sure my parents would not have been happy with me at all.
Awesome blog candy!! :)
You know what's weird? I am the MOST responsible grown-up ever. I'm moral, ethical, kind, generous, blah blah blah. But as a teenager? Oh. My. Gosh. I drank a lot, ended up in rehab, was arrested a few times, stole a car, smoked pot, had sex... I was the worst. I have no idea why my mother still loves me.
I teased my older sister mercilessly...until she cried. And you know what? She still loves me and now we are very, very close. Fantastic blog candy!
this is a very generous Blog Candy of you!!!
I'm Sarah, from Israel, and the worst thing i did as a teenager was to sneak out and date my boyfriend, whom my pasrents didn't like at all... He was a bad-boy and I was a good-girl, and you know what they say... "good girls love bad boys", but the truth is I did it just to annoy my parents.
Today I'm engaged to the perfect good-boy and everyone are happy...
I'm posting here for the first time today, holding my fingers crossed because i never won anything before...
So... please please PICK ME!!! :)
I love the card you made for your FIL and the twine was the perfect embellishment. I think the thing I did as a teenager that my mother will never forget is the time I went to church in my undies. I had a new coat & was having trouble finding something to wear under it that wasn't too long or in my eyes didn't make me look fat. So I buttoned it up and wore only my bra & panties. While I was sitting in church, the coat puckered out where the buttons were & my mother noticed:( I've never seen her that mad in my life.
Oh my gosh, did you ever bring up a memory. Our son wasn't a teenager, but my husband was babysitting him at his Chevy car dealership when DS was about 6 (he is 37 now) and I guess he thought he was helping out in the shop with a brand new vehicle that just came in for delivery to a local doctor in town. Well, he got out white spray paint and painted the entire side of that car!!! Wow, was everyone upset. What a memory.
Cheryl Sims
Oh, your blog candy looks yummy! I don't know that I did anything real bad. Back in the day (I'm an old country girl), I didn't get my own car, so IF I got to drive to a school function, I would get to borrow the car. The rule was "NO cruising main street". My Mom watched the odometer, too! So, I would cruise around main street for a little while, then drive backwards going home to reverse the miles that I put on the odometer doing what I "wasn't" suppose to do!
Happy birthday everyone. Once I started dating, I had a hard time getting up on Sunday mornings and complained about having to go to church. My dad said that was fine, but then the next Saturday night I would have to stay home so I could get up on Sunday morning. I learned very quickly to not complain about Sunday mornings. Hope your daughter has a wonderful birthday.
Linda Peterson
I wasn't bad kid. I was average. My brother on the other hand was nothing but trouble. He locked a girl in our garage cause she mad hime mad and was making fun of him. Her parents wanted to press charges for kidnapping. Hw would do anythinf he was dared.
WOW !! So many good teenagers out there... Great card for your FIL.. I was a bad teenager... did too many bad things (nothing illegal) to remember.. Drove my parents nuts. Never calling to say where I was, staying out past curfew, going out with boys who had really long hair...But I turned out pretty good and I too have survived both my sons teenage years. PHEW !!
Great blog candy! I was very selfish and I had to drive the car to school and made my mom walk to work! As I look back on it now, it was a terrible thing to do. I wanted to be a big shot and drive! At least I only did it my senior year but that was bad enough. Otherwise I was a pretty good kid, IMO.
terrific blog candy! but i don't know about airing the dirty laundry of my youth...haha!
i was invited to a school dance by my mom's co-worker. he was a nice enough guy, so i said yes. before the dance was over, i decided i didn't want him to take me home b/c i thought he might try to put the moves on me. SO i asked a girlfriend to take me home. BUT i didn't tell HIM that i was leaving. so the next work day my mom asks his mom if "the kids had a good time" to which his mom responded "well, i don't know if HE did b/c she ditched him before the dance was over."
whoops. i'd told my mom that i'd had fun but neglected to tell her that i'd gotten a ride home & why (at the time, it didn't seem important). so she was VERY embarrassed when she found out from her co-worker instead of from me. i recall being grounded for that one.
I think that I was a pretty good teenager..didn't do anything out of the ordinary.
My son as a teenager used to sneak
out the window at night to meet with friends...glad when he outgrew that(though he never got into trouble..that I am thankful for)
*Wonderful Birthday Card for FIL.
I love the tree..and the colors.
*Thanks for a chance to WIN blog candy :)
Happy Birthday Courtney! I think the worst thing I did at that age as a teenager is skip school....the worst of it came later! Happy Blogaversary!
I am not a teenager yet but soon i will be , so happy birthday Cortney !!!
I must disappoint you. I tried to think back but could find a great story. I must say I was a very quiet and good teenager girl. Luckily that has changed and I dare to speak out for myself now.
Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Happy Birthday to your FIL and daughter! Great blog. I was a little naughty and skipped school. My favorite saying is: "Raising a teenager is like trying to nail jello to a tree".
What a great masculine card! When I was a teenager, I was pretty well behaved. Except when I did break curfew while visiting a boyfriend in college. We were an hour away from home, and curfew was up. What could I do but be late? The following week, I was struck by MONO and couldn't leave the house for a month, i was so sick!
thanks for sharing - it's fun to see all the stories. Good luck with your teenager :)
I was a pretty good teenager and I didn't really have a curfew or any rules to break. I did do a really mean thing to my brother once. He is much younger than me, and on Christmas Eve one year when I was baby-sitting, I just wanted him to go to bed and leave me alone. So I change the house clock so that he thought it was bed time and would go to bed. Then when my older half-sister called and invited us to her mom's family party, I made him wake up so we could go. So ashamed...
Happy Birthday to Cortney and what a great blog candy to boot! Love teenagers - I think the worst thing I did as a teenager was getting kicked out of school my freshman year and not telling my parents for 3 months. They found out by calling the school for a family emergency. Needless to say, I took summer school and extra class so I could graduate with my class on time.
Jill R
great card Michelle, love the stamp!!!! ok the worst thing I did as a teenager was shave my head and got suspended from school :(
It was funny though {lol} :) x
great candy!!! you are always very generous!!!
Gorgeous card Michelle :) Oh what I'd give to be a teenager again....not LOL. Great blog :)
Love your card! Sorry I can't think of anything awful I did as a teen. I was pretty good, and lived in a small town. If I did anything bad, everyone would have found out and I would have been sooo embarrassed!
Awesome blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win! I guess the BEST worst thing I did as a teenager was become pregnant at 16 and a mommy just before I turned 17, but because I was a good kid in general I was able to graduate early and spend what would've been my senior year raising my son!
first...before i forget...lemme say how much i LOVE that card: so cool looking--even WITHOUT the bling (which, yeah, *I* have a hard time with guy cards too, for that same reason!)
i'm trying to think of a "teen years" story that is suitable for a family-friendly blog AND will not scare you senseless: nope...i got nuthin'...
i pretty much DID IT ALL...and then i went back and did the fun ones AGAIN! but, if it's any comfort, i am now a seriously sensible, reliably responsible, absolutely honest grown-up! PHEW--happy ending!!!
(ps: thanks for the shot at such *FAB* goodies!)
well let's see..which one do you want first cause i didn't do anything half ass...
i pushed my mothers car out the driveway down the street and went joyriding at 2 am at the age of 13..yes i said 13... then lets see
at 11-14 i would sneak out the window and go party my hiney off...would get caught everytime but i didn't care i still did it...
ummm....should i go on or is that enough...yeah that's enough...lol
wouldn't want to ruin my image...bwhahahahahaha
well....lets see....there was the time I egged my own dad's office. Let's just say he pissed me off...lmao! And I also think during my senior year I had over 50 unexcused absences. Wow....I was a bad girl! :)
OHHHH I LOVE LOVE LOVE the blog candy!! I have been wanting that mm tape!!
The worst thing I did was I listened to to of my friends after a basket ball game. I drove my moms car down this dirt road to turn around and it was muddy... we got stuck! This creepy man helped us get out of the mud and in the process tore up the transmission in my moms car (the big blue boat we called it because it was an LTD)
I had to work the rest of the year in my dads shop sweeping and answering the phoen and couldnt go anywhere. My advice. Don't let teenagers ride with teenagers lol
Congrats on your teen, Pray alot keep communication open and lots of good luck to you :)
I was really pretty straight when I was in my teens. One thing I enjoyed, tho, was sneaking into the drive-in movie one night. There were 2 kids up front and 2 of us hiding in the trunk, because we did not have enough money between us for all 4 of us to get in.
Fantastic card your FIL is sure to just love it. Happy Birthday to Courtney for Friday. Thanks for visiting my blog today and for your lovely comments. Also thank you for the chance to win your generous blog candy. Hugs, Nikki x
Happy (belated) blogaversary, Happy (belated) birthday to your FIL, and Happy (early) Birthday to Cortney!!! :)
The worst thing I did as a teen, huh? Well, I guess it was when I lied to my mom and said I was going to my friend's house to study. But in actual fact, I went out to see my boyfriend :P
Thanks for the chance to win :)
this is such a great card. Don't enter me in the candy, just wanted to comment on this wonderful card.
A friend of mine and me pierced my ears with a needle, and ice cube and a potato..... parents were not too happy.
A friend of mine and me pierced my ears with a needle, and ice cube and a potato..... parents were not too happy.
fabulous card !! now the worst thing i did as a teenager mmmm well i smoked and i did try pot, i lied to my parents where i was staying and went away all night with a huge group of friends to the lake district, i got drunk at a party and ripped the sink off the wall when i was trying to stand up !! so embarrassing ! i am very responsible now though and would freak if my daughter did any of these things lol !!
Hmm...my teen years were tame comapred to the stupid and dangerous decisions I made as a college student! I just wasn't very honest as a teen. My mom was really strict about boys - and I was boy crazy - so I lied. I wasn't allowed to call boys, but I did. I wasn't allowed to date so I went out with girls and met the boys. I also started smoking at 15 and only did a little. But, I was a regular smoker by my senior year. I know, DUMB!!
Anyway, I loved your card for your FIL. I am am not great at man cards but love this one. I have eyed that set and love the trees too but haven't given in.
Have a great weekend.
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