Don't forget, tomorrow is the pre-order date for Noel Mignon's, "Playdate" kit! It is going to fly off the shelves.....so ya better grab your quick! : )
My van is once again in the shop.......for an entirely new ramp, motor, and "track," The rust was so bad (And my van is a 2004 only) that the entire track has to be removed and replaced. Poor Cort will be stuck at home for 2 days, since I have no vehicle to transport her! Good thing the weather here is beautiful! We'll just have to take some walks outside!
My school is raising money for the American Cancer Society, and today is Cubs/Sox day. The kids wear their favorite Chicago team apparel and pay 50 cents to the ACS. We are doing 2 weeks of activities to raise money. This summer I will be doing the cancer walk with my fellow teachers. It is for a good cause AND we have a blast doing it! I am so blessed to have a job I love and co-workers who have become friends!
Michele this is just GORGEOUS!!! What an adorable nephew you have and the page you've created is fantastic!
bummer about the van....and my hubby would be dying and going to heaven if he saw a bunch of peeps wearing cubbies gear again (he is originally from Chicago!) ... hope U and cort enjoy your walks!! :):):):):) Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the LO!!! that photo is adorable and loveeeeeeeeeeeeee what U did with the jillibean twine...great idea! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I don't know which is sweeter the photo or the lay out! Thanks for sharing. ~Diane
what an adorable pictures and I love the colors ... wow... you have more troubles with that van... hope everything is well, soon. :)
So sorry about the van problems!!!!
I just adore the LO....love that kit and you ROCKED IT!!!! SO PRETTY!!!
Wishing you a great day!!!
I love that you used a black and white photo...and with yellow no less! What a super cute photo! Love the mix of buttons and primas (stealing this idea!).
What a wonderful photo and layout. I love how you've framed it with flowers!!!!! Very striking.
Didn't realize you were in Chicago. I lived in Park Forest for 9 years (grades 4-12) before returning to Edmonton.
Have a great day!!!!
Oh Michele, this is just GORGEOUS!!! Love all the added elments and he is just a handsome little boy!! I rally lov ethis LO!!
ADORABLE pic and GREAT layout!!
Gorgeous lay out! What a sweet picture too.
Beautiful layout! Bummer about your van!
Absolutely stunning Michele!!!
He's sooooo cute!!!
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